I'm thinking, with the expected summer of discontent, it's the start of a 'Great Awakening'.
We have had 12 years of tory rule, everything is turning to absolute shit under their watch, and it's about bloody time people woke up and said 'no more'.
I'm flabbergasted when I see comments along the lines of 'I've not had a pay rise for 5 years, and those greedy rail workers want an 11% rise' or whatever their perception of the dispute is.
Well, more fool you for not receiving a pay rise for 5 years, and thakfully some are resisting that aploplectic attitude and doing something about it.
This country has been asleep for too long, too accepting of zero hours contracts, too accepting of foodbanks, too accepting of heat or eat, too accepting of child poverty, too accepting of pensioners freezing to death, too accepting of shit being piled on us from all angles while the goverment and their friends line their pockets with billions of taxpayers money.
Hopefully, this is the start of redressing the imbalance of the most iniquitious society in Europe, and people start receiving a fair days pay for a fair days work and can live a reasonable life in what we are constantly being told, is one of the richest countries on Earth.
Of course I support the RMT.