Do you think we are building up to World War 3?


Go here:

Type '8992' into the box marked 'khz'

Click 'USB'

Click 'Squelch'

Sit back and listen.

Scare yourself shitless.


not much going on, not much to hear, but still better than Talksport
Haha it could well be.

My views are influenced from other sources, no doubt.
Just like everyone else is.

In recent years I've completely tried to disengage with mainstream media.
Closed my Facebook/Twitter accounts.
Have no access to BBC and all that shite.

Only active on a few forums such as here and certain YouTube Channels, and I'll listen to certain Podcasts from people like Joe Rogan, Icke, Alex Jones and many others.

I don't believe it all and often do my own research but have found it to make more sense than what the collective mainstream media would often spout to me.

If anyone can disprove my experience wrong I'll stand corrected.

Would you not consider the explanation that a release of DMT in the brain near the point of death may be the reason for your NDE?
assured mutual destruction.

the only fuckers i worry about are the North Koreans. I can see that idiot nuking America and then hiding in his gold gilded bunker for 50 years just to say he did it.
There's just something in the air at the moment. I feel like we're at a serious low in society and reaching a culmination of events which have transpired over the last 10-15 years.

People like Murdock aren't getting any younger. I bet he'd love to see it go off before he kicks the bucket, what with the way his media twists, bends and hurts people so much. Don't underestimate the power people like him have in our world. He won't be the only one.

Trump has been positioned as President and is a loose canon.

Russia have taken a very aggressive approach.

North Korea keep going on about nukes.

The media has been conditioned many of the public to hate foreigners.

I don't know, I'm just starting a debate really. I just sense that we're reaching a crescendo and that things will eventually go off.

Where do you see the world going in the next 10 years?


Read this book and relax.
assured mutual destruction.

the only fuckers i worry about are the North Koreans. I can see that idiot nuking America and then hiding in his gold gilded bunker for 50 years just to say he did it.

I'm no expert, but I cannot see North Korea having the capabilities of getting a missile to go that far. they are more likely(even this isn't likely) to attack Seoul, this would get the Americans involved but also the Chinese as they would not want the South to border them as this could end up being an extension of the US

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