Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Tevez deserves to stay

Because instead of just starting him up in the carling cup, he could have been given some 30 to 40 min of PL game where even Savic got some gametime too .He could have been easily brought as the 3rd sub in the everton game. That isnt too much to ask.[/quote]

When he has been given a chance, his contribution has amounted to pretty much keeping hold of the ball so he can try to shoot himself, missing a penalty and fucking up a one on one with the keeper... Hardly sparkling form is it!

Step away from the keyboard you clown![/quote]
I dont want to argue with here anymore but that was my take on the entire night.I am totally disappointed with our performance and the events that occurred today.As mentioned in my first post ,I am not saying that what he did today is acceptable but its unfair to say that he is to blame for everything.I am not defending his today's actions either but i could easily see circumstances from the start of the season which has led to this.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

The man fucking refused to play.



What the fuck do you people want?

Tevez can fuck the hell off and any reasonable City fan can see that at this point.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

The only thing I would agree with on this is he deserves to stay long enough to be on the bench at Blackburn and be told to go and warm up in front of 7000 City fans who might want a word or two with him.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

Damocles said:
bakchod said:
Maly Wilson said:
If you are actually being serious, you're 100% wrong.
Mancini is the manager. He makes the decisions. Tevez plays. Tevez doesn't make any decisions on the team. It's not a difficult concept to grasp is it?

Mancini must now decide if he wants Tevez anywhere near the rest of the squad. I'd personally let him see out his contract, not let him train other than on his own & fine him at every opportunity. Ruining his career is about all he deserves for disgracing OUR club like that.

I've never boo'd a City player even though i've had to put up with crap for most of my life, but if Tevez ever gets anywhere near a City game again, I'll be booing him every time I hear his name, see him touch the ball or score.

In it for himself & not the team. Unforgivable

But what decision is to keep your top scorer last season to sulk at the bench when he could possibly change the game when utmost needed.He could atleast been brought on in the Everton game.Mancini's entire handling of his subs during the last few games is totally puzzling.

If I was a mod, I'd throw you out of the door.


I am normally not one to question the mods, and in particular one who has done so much for this forum. However I would question banning someone for posting their opinion... even one as ridiculous as this. There has been a lot of bile spewed from many posters here over the years, and I sincerely hope this does not actually lead to the OP being banned, even if he or she is an idiot.
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

GStar said:
Being saying it since last Decemember and people still wanted to idolise Tevez. He's taken this club, thats done so much for him, for a ride... he's tried to drag us through the shit.

We need to make an example out of him. He's going nowhere, fined weekly and made to rot.

Teach Dzeko a lesson too, when you're first touch is 10 yards out of your feet, its time to fuck off to the bench without as much as a whisper.

Agreed with you then, agree with you now. Didnt want him back.
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

For those who haven't seen it.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

Definitely one of our new 'fans'.

Herman is no longer welcome, he can and will fuck off.

I hope you join him.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

It is clear to me that bakchod is wumming and just wants to keep his SHITE thread at the top of the page.

Note how he keeps 'answering' and posting on it to allow his thread to be bumped back to the top.

It's a shit thread - please stop posting on it and let it die!!
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

tevez deserves to stay, with a fine amounting to four of his monthly salaries, training sessions with the reserves' reserves, rotting on the stands, and selling him in the summer to whichever argentinian b league side will pay 30mil for the prick.
those are the only terms under which he would " "deserve" " to stay. oh. and wearing donkey ears when he's on the stands. and letting the fans throw rotten fruit at him.
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