Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

~ Chelsea said:
For those who haven't seen it.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Zab looks pissed. He wouldn't speak or look at him.
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

shaun said:
Saw this coming and mentioned my concerns a couple of weeks ago.
That pathetic penalty miss,the refusal to warm up properly,and his
whole matchday demeanour looked to me like he didn't give a shit
and I said so on here. Having said that and if all the reports are
true,I never dreamed he'd actually refuse to play. He's finished,
not only at City. What does he think this will achieve?

This is exactly what I've been thinking. From the moment he missed that penalty against Wigan it's been at the back of my mind that he actually meant to miss it. I kept persuading myself that couldn't possibly have been the case but tonight has made me think otherwise. I mean look at the way he took the pen, there was more to that than just lack of confidence. Even if he had scored would he have celebrated? I doubt it.

Then there's the chance he missed against Birmingham last week. Last year I'd have put my house on him finishing that easily. However last week, I knew he wasn't gonna score the moment he picked the ball up. He doesn't wanna play for us and there's clearly more to it than just family reasons or whatever. He has obviously developed a dislike for the club that's paying him 200 grand a week so much so that he can't bring himself to even try for us. I was convincing myself I was mad to think like that and, well, I still might be wrong but after tonight, what am I supposed to think?

All the 100% effort he usually gives, there has been none of that this season. You can tell when he's been on the pitch he'd rather be anywhere else. His body language is all wrong it's been plain to see, I was one of these that even though I knew he didn't really wanna be here, expected him to still knuckle down and get on with it and do his best for us while we were still paying his wages. I hugely overestimated him. Or so it would seem.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

It is clear to me that bakchod is wumming and just wants to keep his SHITE thread at the top of the page.

Note how he keeps 'answering' and posting on it to allow his thread to be bumped back to the top.

It's a shit thread - please stop posting on it and let it die!!
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

bakchod said:
I know everyone is pissed at tevez here.He has no right to refuse to come but the circumstances and constant snubbing by mancini boiled down to this disgusting event.It was clear in the sidelines of the 1st half when the match was well under 45 min and when tevez was warming up,he expected to start the 2nd half or atleast 10 min from the starting given the fact that we were 2 goal down.I dont know what mancini said to the team in the dressing room but how the team started the 2nd half it became evident that we were not pressing the ball with much zeal and enthusiasm from the word go ,though it should have been the opposite.Then came the sub of dzeko which i think was rightly played by mancini but for a striker sitting on the bench and seeing a defensive mid going for a forward adds to your frustration when you are ready to play and are eager to have an impact on the game especially when you are 2 down.Mancini could have explained to tevez about his gameplan of "calming the game" which is puzzling given the situation, beforehand through his training or coaching staff to tevez that he would go on as a 2nd sub rather than leaving him to ponder and vent his frustration on these confusing substitutions.This reminds me of the fulham game when he was brought on the 80th min rather than 15 min before when he could have more of an impact ,rather than trying to pull a frenzied effort to impress the gaffer and thus playing nervously with an added burden around him to score.This was the same scene with Napoli game where also he could have been introduced much earlier to have an impact.
I totally agree with the fellow bluemooners that what he did today is totally unacceptable given the fact what he said about our club and the entire summer saga which went on but the constant belittling and deriding of tevez by mancini during press interviews where he said he was not fit enough initially and then not good enough to be even the 3rd striker goes way above my head.The initial statement is true to an extent since his absence from preseason tour and return from Copa America but mancini's constant reference lately that he is still not 100% fit and well not good enough to start or atleast get subbed after 60 min is kind of a personal vendetta between the coach and the player.He was our top scorer last season and whatever be the issue off the pitch,i have never seen a more committed player in the squad than him when he comes on the pitch.I dont know what personal lesson mancini is hellbent on giving to tevez but it has taken the toll on team's performance and unity.It would be wrong to say its totally Tevez's fault ,mancini is no saint either.
So i hope city board ponders over this issue with due diligence and calm before giving a hasty decision.This issue between the player and the coach should be resolved now given that tevez's personal family issues have settled for the moment and the player has expressed his desire to stay.His passion and faith for the club should not be questioned even though he is made to sit at the bench when he should have been playing in the first place.

Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Utter disgrace of a man.

A guy who is highly paid and given the opportunity to play against one of the best teams in the world in one of the best stadiums in the world, refuses to and acts like a spoilt brat.

Sadly i think this was all planned to engineer another move away and continue as the media grabbing whore he is.

Souness called it right when he said he justifies what is wrong with modern day footballers. Greedy overpaid ****.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

DTeacher said:
It is clear to me that bakchod is wumming and just wants to keep his SHITE thread at the top of the page.

Note how he keeps 'answering' and posting on it to allow his thread to be bumped back to the top.

It's a shit thread - please stop posting on it and let it die!!
Can I just make a final contribution by saying backchod is a WUM and a rag buffoon?
Thank you.
As you were...
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

i doubt whether kettle neck will be even on the bench this season.
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Stuck up for the guy up until tonight as I thought that, despite everything, he has that extra dimension

Disgraceful behaviour and totally unforgivable.
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Dr Bolouswki said:
Video interview with Mancini on main site is class.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... o-reaction</a>

wow, very blunt by Mancini. I would expect he would give his 'I dunno' brush off but he went out and answered everything matter-of-factly.

shocked by Tevez. I can understand the frustration in lack of playing time, he is one of our very best players and golden boot winner last season. But to refuse to play, man, that's insane. It's his job!
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