Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

what a load of bollocks,he did an interview on tele last night saying he told Mancini he wasnt in the right frame of mind to play,now to me that is saying he doesnt want to play.Now he is saying he didnt say that,make your mind up herman,time for City to play hardball with this twat and his fckin agent who are trying to take the piss out of our club.Do not give him the so called move he wants back to corintians on the cheap,if no one comes in with 50 mill for him make him rot in the reserves
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

Absolute clown, he was on skysports last night smirking like a little twat saying he wasn't mentally prepared to play! i hope he never kicks another football again! Fuck off you miserable twat Tevez!

Re: Tevez deserves to stay

OP is no fucking blue and its time the mods cracked down on the fucking wums.
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

Absolute F***ing disgrace. I've never seen anything like that before, the one thing we should not do is terminate his contract because that's exactly what the little bastard wants.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Just heard Tevez's 'statement,' denying what happened.

The two of them are screwed. The statement is a pathetic attempt to suggest that he wasn't in breach of contract last night, which he was.

Tevez is gonna get sued for breach of contract, and Kia's terrified.

WHY would Mancini lie? If he didn't want him in the team, why would he name him as a sub? Why wouldn't he want Tevez to try and get a goal back?

He said live on TV that he 'didn't feel right' to play. We've heard the hundreds of contradictory reasons why he 'supposedly' wants to leave. We've all seen him barely warm up in the last few games. Tevez is in breach of contract, and they are in big trouble. After 2 years of trying to play Abu Dhabi for fools, Kia has finally, finally, lost.
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

bluemoon27 said:
what a load of bollocks,he did an interview on tele last night saying he told Mancini he wasnt in the right frame of mind to play,now to me that is saying he doesnt want to play.Now he is saying he didnt say that,make your mind up herman,time for City to play hardball with this twat and his fckin agent who are trying to take the piss out of our club.Do not give him the so called move he wants back to corintians on the cheap,if no one comes in with 50 mill for him make him rot in the reserves

Yep. I don't see how this explanation squares with the quotes from The Guardian.

Before leaving Munich Tevez had emerged from the City dressing room and made it clear he wanted to offer his version of events, denying that he had done anything wrong. "I didn't feel right to play, so I didn't," he said.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... to-mancini</a>
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

Whats the betting that Kia gets rolled out onto SSN, Talksport etc etc today with some crap excuses. Some things just cant be defended, this is one of them.

Embarrased the club on our biggest European night for decades. Thanks for helping get us there Carlos. Now !!!! off.
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

Tevez; sorry, but you are paid shitloads every week to do something most of us would love to do, for a team that many of us put heart and soul into each week.....Watching your infantile, conniving, duplicitous actions last night makes me (and many others) realise you have absolutely fuck all commitment to anything other than Carlos 'Greedy Bastard' Tevez and you should be made to crawl over glass through a gauntlet of true blues as you leave to wherever is daft enough to take you and your twat of an agent on......
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

Its quite simple now - we up the price for him to £100 mill so he is totally out of reach for any other club, we stop paying him for breach of contract and we make him sit out his 3 yrs left on his contract reflecting on what a twat he has been to the club and supporters - but most of all we give Mancini TOTAL support over this issue. It good to see someone with the balls to stand up to the bastard
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