Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

Let him rot in the reserves - erm no thanks as that would mean him wearing the shirt still.

Judging by Collymores tweets we can sack him for breach of contract so we no longer pay him AND retain his registration so if anyone wants to buy him we still get a fee.

Personally I would just keep him and put him to one side for as long as possible and watch his weight balloon
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

rickmcfc said:
~ Chelsea said:
We terminated Mutu's contract when he was playing for us and he had to pay us 15 million or so lolol.

Hi mate and welcome to BM. So when you terminated his contract what actually happened? Was he allowed to sign elsewhere or could he not sign for anyone else until the remainder of his cancelled contract was up? I would rather he rots in the EDS (Elite Development Squad as we dont have a reserves side anymore) rather than sell him for £20m to another European team.

Cheers Rick. He failed a drug test for cocaine and was sacked by Chelsea (He was no longer a Chelsea player). He had to pay us 15M in damages etc..and was banned for 7 months IIRC. He then pulled a shifty and somehow managed to sign with Juventus while he was still banned from football.
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

I've been having a go at Tevez fairly solidly since December last year and been criticised by the Tevez FC fans for doing so but even I didn't think he'd pull this one. I actually thought he might be better now because his family are here but now he's not guaranteed a start he won't play at all. I did say over the summer he has the mentality of a child who refuses to acknowledge fault and blame but to take it to the point of refusing to play... even I'm shocked. That literally is the kid in the park who sits out the game picking blades of grass because boo hoo he didn't get picked the very first-est. Immediate dismissal citing severe breach of contract and then sue the bastard for as much as we can get.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

Much as I profoundly disagree with the OP,of course the thread should be allowed to stay.
The OP was expressing an opinion.
We are equally entitled to disagree with him.
But unless you want the forum to be a pastiche of rag tissue,ie,full of fucking nodding Churchill dogs who tow the party line on everything,then you have to allow cyberspace to those who occasionally see things differently.
Re: Carlos Tevez Statement.

rickmcfc said:
"Going forward I am ready to play when required and to fulfil my obligations."

This just about sums the little fucking scumbag up.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

So i hope city board ponders over this issue with due diligence and calm before giving a hasty decision.

Here's a hasty decision for you: get to fuck. and take that despicable argentinian scalded-fat-necked **** with you. Well then, jog on.
Re: Tevez deserves to stay

marios stress ball said:
Ye he does but he doesn't deserve to play or train.... just ROT

My view entirely, MSB. He should never get another game as long as his contract lasts. MCFC fulfill their side of the contract, fine the bastard for every transgression, refuse to sell him unless we get the full market value, and treat the shithouse the way he has treated MCFC. Give 'im some of his own medicine but let him overdose.
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