Does death scare you?

Hate the word d…th tbh and I never say it when talking about my mum and dad passing . As I get older I’m starting to plan things now though .
Scared of leaving loved ones behind and not knowing what it actually feels like to die I suppose it’s the unknown that gives these feelings.
Not so much scared of dying. Scared of regretting not living fully when it comes to the point of my dying though. Got to make the most of the short time we here.
Doesn't bother me in the least but it's the financial side of leaving stuff to the little one and if they're smart or daft to carry it on is another matter

I wouldn't fancy being in a state of shitting myself, crazy pain or a prolonged inevitable death. Death couldn't come sooner in that respect
I’ve seen a lot of death, people dying and it’s a strange thing, many don’t even know, one minute they were doing something then next nothingness, I always think it’s harder for the families, especially if they are present at the time. I just hope when I do go it’s peacefully and not a burden on anyone.
i am however More scared of others about me going, especially my parents, that will truly devastate me.
My parents are no longer with us, but they still live on in memories.
I used to be terrified of dying when I was younger, to the extent that it would often keep me up at night. Not really the actual physical aspect of death, it was more an existential issue I think. The notion that once you’re gone, that’s it. Forever. Was hard to get my head around.

Slightly more relaxed about it now. Obviously would be devastated to get diagnosed with a terminal illness any time soon, and hope I live long enough to see my kids grow up and be settled, but am more accepting of what is to eventually come, if that makes sense.
Death scares me.
My mother died earlier this year.
All the family were gathered there, at the Hospice, including kids, for best part of 3 days.
Mum had no idea whatsoever that anyone was there with her, thankfully, strong painkillers helped her through her final hours.
The agitation stage pre death was absolutely horrible to have to watch.
Still haunted by the experience, and it certainly was not what Mum what have wanted for her children and grandchildren to have to experience.

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