Does death scare you?

My mother died earlier this year.
All the family were gathered there, at the Hospice, including kids, for best part of 3 days.
Mum had no idea whatsoever that anyone was there with her, thankfully, strong painkillers helped her through her final hours.
The agitation stage pre death was absolutely horrible to have to watch.
Still haunted by the experience, and it certainly was not what Mum what have wanted for her children and grandchildren to have to experience.
Sorry to hear about your Mum’s (and your) experience, that sounds awful.
Is this another Rag thread?

The theatre of death -:)

Anyway, Death is another life experience we all must go through. It’s unavoidable I’m afraid.

From what I understand about it most people do pass peacefully and most don’t even know it’s happening. Even those that suffer have huge amounts of pain relief when needed.

Leaving the family behind is the saddest part. You can’t do anything for them at that point.

At least we all got to see city win stuff again and enjoy the self styled biggest club in the world fall apart. Also got to see the scousers cry -:)

I wish you all a pleasant journey to your next destination. Live slow die old -:)
I have heard people say if I’m going to die I’m going to do xyz when unfortunately we don’t really get that option. It’s like I’m gonna run up a huge debt or spend money I haven’t got on my credit card, or I’m gonna go out on a high. Truth is we ain’t gonna do any of that because we are gonna be drugged up to fuck so we don’t have a clue what’s going on or we die screaming in a accident it’s not gonna end well unless you die in your sleep which doesn’t really happen that much. Enjoy your life as much as you can signed the grim reaper lol
Not for me per se, I have told my family if they outlive me that I don't want anybody to be upset. I want everyone to be happy they knew me, I want to be cremated and I don't want a funeral. I just want everyone to go on a big holiday instead and have a great time.

I'm scared shitless of my parents dying though, which I know is inevitable. Have probably felt like this since my early 20s when I moved away for good. I try to see them every month or so but it is a scary feeling when you see people ageing and declining around you. I need to talk it over with them but I'll blubber. I brought it up once years ago with my mum and we actually had a good chat over the phone. It's been keeping me up at night a bit recently with horrible dreams.
Not for me per se, I have told my family if they outlive me that I don't want anybody to be upset. I want everyone to be happy they knew me, I want to be cremated and I don't want a funeral. I just want everyone to go on a big holiday instead and have a great time.

I'm scared shitless of my parents dying though, which I know is inevitable. Have probably felt like this since my early 20s when I moved away for good. I try to see them every month or so but it is a scary feeling when you see people ageing and declining around you. I need to talk it over with them but I'll blubber. I brought it up once years ago with my mum and we actually had a good chat over the phone. It's been keeping me up at night a bit recently with horrible dreams.
Similar to how I feel, we deal with it with humour, every time they get me to do something on their house I say I don’t mind it puts the price up so I inherit more ;) A few years ago my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s so we got him and my mum to sort out their will etc. I make a point of watching as many City games with him if we are not at the Ethiad and I phone him to discuss every match on my way home, my mum is going to outlive me I’m convinced of it, my grandma her mum got to a 100 before she shuffled off and my mum is just like her!
Similar to how I feel, we deal with it with humour, every time they get me to do something on their house I say I don’t mind it puts the price up so I inherit more ;) A few years ago my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s so we got him and my mum to sort out their will etc. I make a point of watching as many City games with him if we are not at the Ethiad and I phone him to discuss every match on my way home, my mum is going to outlive me I’m convinced of it, my grandma her mum got to a 100 before she shuffled off and my mum is just like her!

Some really good pointers there mate. My old man has given his season ticket up this year. I'm actually on the way to see them now and gonna try stream the Wolves game together this afternoon.

They're discussing wills and stuff with me as better to do it now than leave it for when it's too late.

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