Does Yaya still have a role?

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I trust this is a joke?

Tongue in cheek in all honesty but it would spark confusion and would help defend against the billion dollar Wimbledon's back post onslaught.

Not sure it would be a good idea though.
I don't defend his character at all. I defend what's right. The right to collect what you have earned via contract. Without some fan selectively snickering about your choice. The same right Joe earned by signing a contract and the club paying a majority of his salary while he plays for someone else.

I point out the double standards on such matters. Whether it's Yaya now or Wayne Bridge few years ago.

Many here make silly comments like some player is stealing a wage. As if these players put a gun to Txiki's head when he signed them (and I use Txiki metaphorically to represent management).
Before someone shows up to point out the obvious that Txiki didn't sign Bridge and thus I'm wrong in this instance. :P

The point here being I don't defend players, I defend understable positions. Don't particularly care much for Yaya petulance with refs on the field or his agent's. Never have, nor do I defend them. But I don't pretend they are of much consequence either.

So I don't use it as an excuse to gin up unwarranted hate or dislike. I know what Yaya is. A surly, brooding, chip on his shoulders and big man with an overbearing father like figure of an agent. Yet I loved every minute of his greatness here. I loved how the chip on his shoulder made him believe he and by extension City was better than United even before we truly became better. I loved the seeming immeasurabiIity of his talent at his peak. I liked him slapping Mata upside the head, telling Valencia to get lost and telling Rooney not to talk to him. I hated his constant whinning to the ref when he clearly just committed a foul, his laziness on defense sometimes. I take him for what he is.

I don't defend him, just like I don't defend the club when it does shitty things either. I didn't defend Marwood calling out an ex players cancer striker Mom. I don't defend wrong acts. Period. I just say what they are and what real effects I think if any they have in the greater scheme of things.

Anyway this has now turned into a rant :)

I think you are missing the point of some (possibly a minority) of posters in this thread that are attacking Yaya (myself included). I don't think he is stealing a wage. I agree with you on this point and have said so in the past few pages. I also think he is one of the greatest players to ever put on a City shirt (I don't know many posters who would disagree with that at all).

Where I think you are demonstrably wrong is that you claim Yaya is getting unfair abuse. In two different posts you wrote:

I find the hate for Yaya nauseating and clearly unequally metted out.


It doesn't upset me when people label Yaya. It's the uneven treatment that upsets me. I like fairness.

I asked yesterday and I will ask again, who else has attacked the club in the manner that Yaya has over the past 2 years other than Tevez? Who else in all of sport has sunk to the level that he went to after Ibrahim's death. He is a sociopath; a monster. There is no other explanation for what he did. In light of that how is his treatment by fans unequal or uneven? That is my question. Nobody else has ever gone where he has gone. He crossed a line that is so far out there that I didn't even know it existed till he crossed it. How are we supposed to react to someone like Yaya? He is one of a kind (both on and off the field).
I think you are missing the point of some (possibly a minority) of posters in this thread that are attacking Yaya (myself included). I don't think he is stealing a wage. I agree with you on this point and have said so in the past few pages. I also think he is one of the greatest players to ever put on a City shirt (I don't know many posters who would disagree with that at all).

Where I think you are demonstrably wrong is that you claim Yaya is getting unfair abuse. In two different posts you wrote:

I find the hate for Yaya nauseating and clearly unequally metted out.


It doesn't upset me when people label Yaya. It's the uneven treatment that upsets me. I like fairness.

I asked yesterday and I will ask again, who else has attacked the club in the manner that Yaya has over the past 2 years other than Tevez? Who else in all of sport has sunk to the level that he went to after Ibrahim's death. He is a sociopath; a monster. There is no other explanation for what he did. In light of that how is his treatment by fans unequal or uneven? That is my question. Nobody else has ever gone where he has gone. He crossed a line that is so far out there that I didn't even know it existed till he crossed it. How are we supposed to react to someone like Yaya? He is one of a kind (both on and off the field).
Again you keep asking me questions about things I don't do.

Yes i deem it uneven treatment when a poster says Yaya is stealing a living, yet in the next thread suggest they are happy City is footing a majority of Joe's paycheck at Torino. You really don't have to look hard to see these double standard comments.

That you think only a few do it isn't particularly relevant, as it would simply mean those (however few they are) are who I am responding to. That said, while I've not gone around counting, my sense is they are not that few.

Anyway, to your specific issue:

Again, I am nauseated by the hate for a City great by City fans. You claim he has done terrible things.

I find most of the claims about what he has done, more or less is overstated claims to justify the unwarranted reaction by what in my opinion are 'oversensitive fans.'

I say this coz the evidence of this is everywhere. I saw similar treatment of Milner after he left. He didn't do s thing but be professional, finish off his signed contract and left.

As for Yaya, it is often in how fans frame the issue: If Yaya misses a tackle or fluffs a shot or fails to get back, it's coz he is lazy or doesn't give a shit about the club. Someone else does the same, it's because they were tired or lost concentration. The framing alone, shows bias.

Again it important you understand this as an attack on the framing by a subset of our fans as opposed to a defense of Yaya.

And not to ignore your point as you've asked it 2,ice now. I didn't respond to it coz it doesn't really speak to the issue I have, even though you think it does. My understanding of his dead brother's story probably differs greatly from yours. Would ask what your understanding of that story is, but that would send us back into an attack v Defense of Yaya. Something I don't particularly care for.

But let's clear the air, what psychopathic thing did Yaya do relating to his brother's death?
That's because it never happens. Dax is having a nightmare on this. Fortunately he's in the minority of about one.
Was gonna do a 2009 search of Zlatans agents comments as he was leaving Barca to Milan. To my surprise it seems Raiola hasn't stopped gobshitting after all. And it's been 6-7 years.

Same guy just made 25 million completing a WOrld Record deal. Like I said, teams dont give a shit if yoie agent is shit. They care whether you've got talent.
I've thought for years yaya could be a good striker. I hope he doesn't start Saturday, but your suggestion isn't as bad as it seems.

I'd have thought more a "number 10" role with less defensive duties would have been a better option, but alas it's a Guardiola team so no passengers, I still think he'd be a huge threat though throwing him on for the last 20 minutes or so.
Was gonna do a 2009 search of Zlatans agents comments as he was leaving Barca to Milan. To my surprise it seems Raiola hasn't stopped gobshitting after all. And it's been 6-7 years.

Same guy just made 25 million completing a WOrld Record deal. Like I said, teams dont give a shit if yoie agent is shit. They care whether you've got talent.
Raiola has a stable of players, some world class or about to hit their peak with all the top clubs interested. Seyuk has one over the hill player who for two years has looked shot. Let's see where Yaya ends up for all his talent. I don't think any comparisons have merit apart from the fact they are both indeed, gobshites.
I don't know, maybe you're the kind of person who admires that kind of thing. I'm sure their clients who put money above all other things do but I believe it's the likes of these two cockroaches who shame the sport as much as the bent bastards at UEFA and FIFA.

Yes i deem it uneven treatment when a poster says Yaya is stealing a living, yet in the next thread suggest they are happy City is footing a majority of Joe's paycheck at Torino. You really don't have to look hard to see these double standard comments.
Joe Hart:
- Got the message he wasn't wanted and moved on, even though it hurt
- Possesses the professionalism to give playing the highest priority
- Showed great dignity throughout
- Has always represented the club positively
- Kept himself in fighting trim and battle-ready.

Yaya ???

You really think there's some sort of equivalence or are you arguing for the sake of it?
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