Does your wife earn more than you?

glen quagmire said:
Mayor West said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What do you do then mate, i mean with your day and not working?

I worked with guys who were at work just for there beer money as the wife earnt good money, i always wondered why they did.
I missus in a few years will have left me well behind in the pay stakes and i think i might retire, lol

I do everything that needs doing around the house, the missus literally doesn't have to do anything. I also go for long runs (walks for the past four months cos I fucked up my knee pretty bad) and I'm a huge film fan so I watch pretty much everyone and anything

If she ever said she wasn't happy with the situation anymore then things would change.

You just sound like a lazy twat to me!

Ah well, it's not you I have to get along with is it?
Mayor West said:
glen quagmire said:
Mayor West said:
I do everything that needs doing around the house, the missus literally doesn't have to do anything. I also go for long runs (walks for the past four months cos I fucked up my knee pretty bad) and I'm a huge film fan so I watch pretty much everyone and anything

If she ever said she wasn't happy with the situation anymore then things would change.

You just sound like a lazy twat to me!

Ah well, it's not you I have to get along with is it?

Why not? Maybe one day, your situation may change, my situation may change and we can go shopping for tea towels together?
glen quagmire said:
Mayor West said:
glen quagmire said:
You just sound like a lazy twat to me!

Ah well, it's not you I have to get along with is it?

Why not? Maybe one day, your situation may change, my situation may change and we can go shopping for tea towels together?

And if that day ever arrives I will be more than happy to join you.
Mayor West said:
Barcon said:
glen quagmire said:
Just a question, me and the mrs have just shared what we have from day one. Her brother though, has what he earns, and his missus what she earns. They pay bills and stuff jointly but have individual monies. I know a lot of people like this.

As to your question, i don't know, maybe a hunter gatherer sort of thing?

We share everything as well. She works for one of, if not the biggest law firm in Canada. I would have to drive a lot of nails to make more than her.

I can't even begin to imagine the size of the steering wheel on the nails you drive.

I bet your wife knows what it means. : )
My wife has been.the main breadwinner for the last three years sincemy business went.tits up. I expect.that to.change imminently as I havemanaged to haul myself back to a position of relative stregnth, but I am struggling to understand why anyone would have a problem with it.

Unless they were unbelievably insecure of course.
Re: Re: Does your wife earn more than you?

Dirty Harry said:
She earns a good 8-9k more than me.
Does it bother me ? The question is a simple one, but the answer is far from that, it certainly doesn't bother me in a macho 'must earn more than my wife' way, absolutely not, what does bother me is that if she is insistant that she wants children one day soon, well her wages make a huge difference to what we have and can afford, we couldn't possibly lose that and make it having children aswell on my money alone, done the skint thing and had kids 20 odd years ago, and I earned far more then than I do now.

I've a feeling how much I earn may become an issue once this little chestnut rears its head.

You could take paternity leave and she can work.
Not married but last girl I was seeing her father owns a massive entertainment and catering company which is a family business. They have contracts with hotels, festivals and operate a few bars. Also they do the catering at posh equestrian events to massive out door concerts. She works as a manager there and earns a nice salary.

The one before is an executive for a hotel group and she too was on more money than me.

Did it bother me? No it never did but at one point or the other both did mention money in discussions or tried to use it to sway my decisions. In marriage I have no experience with it but I can see how it can be an issue. Women with more money than men always makes them rather bitchy.


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