Donald Trump

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I didn't say anywhere that racism is the main reason for Trump's election. I absolutely agree it's mostly to do with poverty, inequality and lack of opportunity. However rises in hate crimes and in racism across the board is a byproduct of Trump's election.

When Hitler came to power, and I'm not a historian here, but I refuse to believe the Germans that backed him (and it's key to point out that initially there was a lot of opposition to his party) were racist. They were however poor, young and angry. Now we know what happened there, a certain minority were blamed for Germany's economic woes and it was all lies.

Now that's an extreme example and before all the right wingers who hate the liberals jump on this, my point is that Trump's campaign and Brexit have absolutely caused a rise of hate against migrants and certain races. It's a horrible byproduct of both events, and I hope whatever people's opinions are, they can see that and don't close the eyes to it just because they voted a certain way.

Also the important thing to point out is that inequality has absolutely nothing to do with immigration. Zero. Yet it's used to blind people and drum up votes and sell papers, all because they are easy targets. Trump knows this and I believe he's cleverer than his persona shows. Just like that cock Boris.

Finally it's interesting you say the left aren't offering an answer to inequality. I can't remember the last real left government we had in power. Blair's labour and that joke that came after him were never truly left wing. It's depressingly that the right always seems to be the UK's answer during difficult periods.
Very good post, but the problem is that the liberal / left get distracted and protest against trump /farage when they are only on the up because of deeper social issues. I'm sure the wealthy 1% are delighted at the moral outrage being directed against trump rather than inequality and austerity.
Exactly, get out there and thank them for everything, not cower away until she could fake smile her way through it all the next day. A shithouse move.
Couldn’t have put it better myself.

The story goes she only had booked the rally venue until 02:00. To me that's smacks of arrogance that she expected to win by a landslide. To not come out to thank all those people who worked hard to try and help her win is indeed a ****'s trick. Instead she set up a press conference with her elitest supporters the next day to portray her as some sort of glorious loser choreographed right down to the deliberately chosen purple outfit.
What , because it suits your argument?
Trump said he wouldn't accept the result. Fact.

I'm not arguing, you are dealing in a world that didnt happen, doesnt matter what he said he might do, doesnt matter that his head might have exploded or he'd run across NY and grabbed Hillary's pussy if he lost, he didnt lose, she did and if you want to continue to deal in an imaginary parallel universe, imagine the shit he'd have got from the press if he had behaved like Hillary did. She acted like a shithouse, just because you dont like it being pointed out, doesnt make it any less true.
I'd tend to agree with the above, but if/when the mushroom clouds start appearing, maybe we'll look back and consider that the demonstrations were perhaps justified.

Personally, I am slowly coming around to the idea that although I REALLY did not want Trump to win, perhaps he won't be that bad. If he gets the US economy moving, that would be good for the world economy and for the UK. Just so long as he doesn't end up killing everybody.

Never ever justified mate unless you have no affinity with the democratic process.
Just let the cry babies reverse brexit and my voting days are finished.

I thought the nice toast eating lady at 3.13 gave the best performance

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