Donald Trump

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Jesus Christ the media need to fuck off for a bit now, going on and on and on about it.

I'm on record of being very anti Trump but the **** won. The great unwashed organising their third night of civil unrest need to get over it. It's democracy (or at least a Representative Republic). It doesn't mean that you get your way just because you drink soya milk and listen to TED Talks every week.

Not sure I like where society is going these days in the time of social media. It simply makes every **** that has never been told 'no' by their parents (Cresseda and James most likely) think that by shouting loud enough and long enough they will change the result. Well they won't. Trump got in because only 55% bothered to vote. Well fuck them.

Re group in four years, run a campaign on policies rather than personalities and try not to pick a crooked and dried up old Stepford Wife as your nominee.

Bunch of entitled arseholes.

I'd tend to agree with the above, but if/when the mushroom clouds start appearing, maybe we'll look back and consider that the demonstrations were perhaps justified.

Personally, I am slowly coming around to the idea that although I REALLY did not want Trump to win, perhaps he won't be that bad. If he gets the US economy moving, that would be good for the world economy and for the UK. Just so long as he doesn't end up killing everybody.
Oooooo a petition, some tutting, a totally peaceful march, a woman on social media, hardly Armageddon is it, no need for Bruce Willis to sort that out is there?? Social media gives every racist or yogurt knitter a platform to air their views, if you dont like it simply dont go on it, life is a lot simpler and if you do its nothing to get upset about in any case. Its just a very small minority spouting bollocks, which is what you get about most issues, as my dad said empty vessels make the most noise. The majority of people that I have encountered are totally accepting of the vote, most rational people understand the process, there is no way we should spoff another £100m on another vote because of a few twats, I think we should leave as that is the will of most of the people and I voted remain.

As I said there were 53 arrests in London on the anti establishment march just 6 days ago, hardly a murmur anywhere, a few yanks get their knickers in a twist and everyone is up in arms about it, something not quite right about that. I'm off to make an effigy to burn in protest, oh no, sorry to hang from a lamp post, burning it wouldnt be good for the environment.

Hey, I'm not arsed in the grand scheme of things - just pointing out the laughable meltdown from some people and how, despite their claims to be tolerant of anyone and everyone, they were totally intolerant of those that voted to leave the EU. With regards to the social media thing many of those spouting off were actually insulting their own friends and family members and is it really worth risking friendships/relationships because someone voted differently? Anyway, if you want a proper laugh have a watch of the butt-hurt millenials vid.
Youre a ****

Totally reported.

Couldn't be worse (potato and all that)

I'd tend to agree with the above, but if/when the mushroom clouds start appearing, maybe we'll look back and consider that the demonstrations were perhaps justified.

Personally, I am slowly coming around to the idea that although I REALLY did not want Trump to win, perhaps he won't be that bad. If he gets the US economy moving, that would be good for the world economy and for the UK. Just so long as he doesn't end up killing everybody.

If the mushroom clouds go off it won't be due to not protesting enough after the election. It will be because not enough voted for Hilary or any of the other Republican lizards in the primaries.
Yes, although the Democrats weren't spoiled for choice. Once Biden dropped out of the race they didnt seem to have many credible options. The worrying thing is that they could be in the same situation in 2020. Hence Michelle Obama is already being touted as their saviour.
As much as I admire her, I would find it hugely depressing that another offspring/spouse of a former president was running for office in a country of 300 million people. Just like Prime Ministers repeatedly having attended Eton, it just doesn't sit right with me.
countries have always been severely dvided though. and tbh i disagree that its mainly racist sentiment. i think people have genuine concerns over immigration that have been ignored for to long and are instantly labelled racist.
We should be looking at the reason behind trumps election win. IMO its mainly to do with the rich getting richer and the poor being worse off despite gdp figures or recovery. The people are losing jobs and the left are offering no alternative or answers. if we didn't have such a huge gap imo trump never would have got in. the past 20/30 years have created a climate where someone like trump is possible.

I didn't say anywhere that racism is the main reason for Trump's election. I absolutely agree it's mostly to do with poverty, inequality and lack of opportunity. However rises in hate crimes and in racism across the board is a byproduct of Trump's election.

When Hitler came to power, and I'm not a historian here, but I refuse to believe the Germans that backed him (and it's key to point out that initially there was a lot of opposition to his party) were racist. They were however poor, young and angry. Now we know what happened there, a certain minority were blamed for Germany's economic woes and it was all lies.

Now that's an extreme example and before all the right wingers who hate the liberals jump on this, my point is that Trump's campaign and Brexit have absolutely caused a rise of hate against migrants and certain races. It's a horrible byproduct of both events, and I hope whatever people's opinions are, they can see that and don't close the eyes to it just because they voted a certain way.

Also the important thing to point out is that inequality has absolutely nothing to do with immigration. Zero. Yet it's used to blind people and drum up votes and sell papers, all because they are easy targets. Trump knows this and I believe he's cleverer than his persona shows. Just like that cock Boris.

Finally it's interesting you say the left aren't offering an answer to inequality. I can't remember the last real left government we had in power. Blair's labour and that joke that came after him were never truly left wing. It's depressingly that the right always seems to be the UK's answer during difficult periods.
Yes, although the Democrats weren't spoiled for choice. Once Biden dropped out of the race they didnt seem to have many credible options. The worrying thing is that they could be in the same situation in 2020. Hence Michelle Obama is already being touted as their saviour.
The wife of a former president. What could possibly go wrong?
The wife of a former president. What could possibly go wrong?

If they want another female nominee they should be looking at Kristen Gillibrand or Elizabeth Warren. Some one female voters actually like.

As an aside. The media silence is defeaning over Hillary's treatment of her supporters on election night.

If they want another female nominee they should be looking at Kristen Gillibrand or Elizabeth Warren. Some one female voters actually like.

As an aside. The media silence is defeaning over Hillary's treatment of her supporters on election night.

Is that meaning her going awol essentially? i saw a debate on tv and some were defending her, others were saying 'where the hell is she'.
She waited until next day right and that is not the done thing?
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