Donald Trump

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Slightly more shocking however, is that statistician Nate Silver found that 44 per cent of Trump voters have university degrees, compared to the US national average of 29 per cent.

So I looked into this and guess what!? It’s bullshit as expected:


So Trump voters are less likely to have a degree by 4% and a whopping 21% fewer have a post graduate degree (masters, PhD, MD).

More fake news from Trump cronies.

That must be embarrassing.
Not even going there with you and no I have never heard of him and its off millions not of.
Well done for the spelling correction however if my grammar was as bad as yours I'd steer well clear.
I have to confess it ddoesn't as I am guessing you have one and your the biggest tit I know.

Your point is a load of waffle distracting from my response to your lazy and ignorant comment labelling all Trump supporters as thick.
you're the biggest tit (not your)
I wash dishes and you ARE thick. I don't need to know in order to ascertain such information. One's 'intellect' mainly comes through the written word. There are very few people in the world that speak better than they write. It's incredibly rare (although not impossible) that one can communicate better with verbalising in the moment than having time to think and express through the written word.

I'm not convinced that you are of the latter disposition in this case, so I must deduce you are an incredibly witty and charming person, in real life...?


I'm also not sure if you really are a chartered surveyor, but I'll take your word for it. Are you an 'expert witness' in chartered surveying?? Being educated in a grammar school is no indication of a particular intellect. It just means you went to a school. It is also a school I would demand money back from as your spelling and grammar structure is extremely poor, for the most part.

Still, even the dyslexic Branson became a billionaire after dropping out of school at 16. No Masters degrees, no honours, just space travel inspirations. You know, the usual sh*t for billionaires...

So, you like a bit of football and a bit of cricket (so long as brown people don't want to join in with your kids, I know). Is that the 'wide range of culture interests' you mean?

I dunno, me being a broke dishwasher from Manchester, I probably know fook all...
Not that I’m getting involved but, you work at a hospital don’t you big? If you do mate you are one of life’s good uns. Cheers.
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