Now don't fucking start with the insults. I ask a reasonable question and you come back with shit.
I'll try one more time; what has trump done to 'deserve credit' for bringing us 'closer to world peace' as BTH suggested?
It wasn’t at a reasonable question and you know it. As I say I dislike Trump but I’ll give credit where it’s due.
He deserves credit for merely getting in front of the NK dictator and getting him to agree with signing an agreement. It’s more than any US president has ever done.
Add to that I think he’s played it very well, first of all making it clear it was goodnight should NK want to play with fire, then offering a diplomatic solution, threatening to walk away again and then finally meeting for talks. He’s made it on US terms but given NK security, so everyone’s happy.
You’ll absolutely refuse to give any credit though because you can’t see through your hatred of him.