Donald Trump

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What is one possible outcome that could be considered positive? We will absolutely back out of our deal with Iran which will put them on track to get nukes sooner rather than later. When it looks like they're developing them we'll invade so we will be invading yet another country in the Middle East. You have to assume England will have to jump in as well. So how many soldiers are going to be dead in a couple of years based on what happened tonight? How many women and children in Iran? How will the USA running amok in the Middle East play to Muslims around the world? They aren't exactly the type to roll over and say they've been beaten, they fight until the end.

Also, there are no more moderate republicans. We have a full-on Tea Party government based on hatred and fear.

It's all doom and gloom to you isn't it, are you Tony blairs speech writer as well
This. They adopted the same smug, patronising tone, making it about race and identity politics, rather then focusing on key issues that affect working class people. Too much time labelling any Trump voters as being racist rednecks, and dismissing real concerns out there. Having politicians and multi millionaire celebrities come on TV or on a stage, and scoff and look down upon the peasants has blown up in their face. You can criticise Trump, and the people who voted for him, but at the end of the day they lost to a reality TV guy, and a fractured Republican party. They only have themselves to blame.

They didn't make it about race, Trump did and he did it unashamedly so and people voted him for it.
im not sure it reflects well on him, more it reflects badly on the average american

makes brexit appear a rational well thought out decision
It's still a remarkable achievement. He's never served in any form of office, has no political hinterland and has a number of manifest achilles heels and skeletons in his cupboard and yet he's been elected as President against an established and experienced opponent. He has got there by resilience as much as anything else. How can that be described as anything other than impressive?
I think there will a be lot of interest in who he appoints as his Secretaries (the office-holding ones, not the ones there for his entertainment, allegedly)
America has elected its first atheist president.

I'll be honest I feel safer knowing the guy with the red button doesn't believe in fairies.
Buckshot has not taken the news well that's for sure

Death and destruction are horrible. I've been critical of our policies in the past regarding killing but you haven't seen nuthin' yet. He's called for things that are war crimes. If I were you I'd feel even worse since England will have to tag along on anything we do and you had no say in what just happened.

He's run on promises of violence, if he didn't deliver he might get called a name on Twitter which he can't handle. According to him Obama is a pussy who is easy on terrorists. He's basically done nothing but coddle ISIS even though we almost ran out of bombs at one point because we were dropping so many. He sees our military as weak and ineffective. I literally can't imagine how much more damage we can do and this guy wants to ramp up our aggression tenfold.
He wont make the 4 years anyway, he will either be assassinated or have a heart attack.
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