Donald Trump

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Who said they were worth less?

Was just giving a counter argument that is made in America against the voting system they have.
Erm you did, by your counter argument, stating that people in the rich area shouldn't have to do what some poor farmer in Kansas wants.
You can see why people didn't want the warmongering, corporate wall street whore as President? They were left with no choice but to vote Trump.
If you can't see it there's no hope for you

Like I said, it's not something I fully agree with.

However the argument against the electoral system goes like this:

There are 5 areas. In four of the areas live 5 people each. In 1 area lives 100 people. The area with the most people creates the most wealth for all areas but in an election is over-ruled by the areas with the least people.
Erm you did, by your counter argument, stating that people in the rich area shouldn't have to do what some poor farmer in Kansas wants.
You can see why people didn't want the warmongering, corporate wall street whore as President? They were left with no choice but to vote Trump.

It was a counter argument that I said I didn't fully agree with.

I'm guessing from your description of Clinton that you agree with lots of the alt-right.
Like I said, it's not something I fully agree with.

However the argument against the electoral system goes like this:

There are 5 areas. In four of the areas live 5 people each. In 1 area lives 100 people. The area with the most people creates the most wealth for all areas but in an election is over-ruled by the areas with the least people.

And the argument for the electoral college is all peoples votes count for something regardless of wealth creation, is it a flawed system possibly but that's the way it is and has been over 200 years and on the whole worked, or is it only a bad system when the vote goes against what the rich metropolitan areas want
Not sure 2 million people would have voted any differently?
1 in a 100?

Why not?

And it's a big call to say you can't see it as the chances are that they'd both have appealed more to the centre than to the constituents to key states.
People wouldn't have voted any differently.
You cannot possibly say that for three reasons;

1) you have no idea how the two campaigns would have run when not solely aiming for their bed rock states.

2) many republicans on the coasts don't bother voting, same with democrats in solid red states as there is no point. Like a Tory not bothering in Sunderland west.

3) turnout was little over half the population nationally. Far more people are likely to vote if they knew their vote definitely counted.
True (and not saying I fully believe this) but it could also be argued that it its the East and West coast that have most of the jobs and make the country the most money - but they have to do what people in Kansas want.
And those in the middle feed those on the coasts.
Good one.

You actually think California or New York would have voted Trump or Oklahoma, Kansas, etc voting Clinton? Not a chance.

They never will so no campaigning is done there. On a popular vote it wouldn't matter if they did or not become red or blue as every vote would count. You're literally making his point for him.
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