Donald Trump

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They never will so no campaigning is done there. On a popular vote it wouldn't matter if they did or not become red or blue as every vote would count. You're literally making his point for him.

I understand the argument.

I just disagree. The country is set in its ways. Republicans vote republican and democrats the same no matter what.

I just doubt a change in campaigning based upon a popular vote nor an increased turn out would change much.

Although it could be argued an increased turn out would favour the democrats - as it's Hillary that didn't bring out the vote not Trump, who did roughly the same numbers as Romney?
And those in the middle feed those on the coasts.

I agree. Like i said I didn't agree with the argument I was just posting what those against the current system have been saying and I can somewhat understand their point of view.
I understand the argument.

I just disagree. The country is set in its ways. Republicans vote republican and democrats the same no matter what.

I just doubt a change in campaigning based upon a popular vote nor an increased turn out would change much.

Although it could be argued an increased turn out would favour the democrats - as it's Hillary that didn't bring out the vote not Trump, who did roughly the same numbers as Romney?
Increased turn out would/could be a huge factor for both candidates. At present 9 people in 20 aren't voting.

That's a huge amount of people that aren't voting republican or democrat for whatever reason and undermines your point quite a bit.
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I just disagree. The country is set in its ways. Republicans vote republican and democrats the same no matter what.

Then again your whole argument has been undermined by the fact that lots of Democrats went out and voted for Trump, people are sick and tired of being taken for granted with promises that are made every election year then forgotten.

The Democrats lost the white working class vote because it abandoned them to chase the ethnic and middle class vote, just as labour went after "Essex man" and the minorities vote and came unstuck.
Then again your whole argument has been undermined by the fact that lots of Democrats went out and voted for Trump, people are sick and tired of being taken for granted with promises that are made every election year then forgotten.

The Democrats lost the white working class vote because it abandoned them to chase the ethnic and middle class vote, just as labour went after "Essex man" and the minorities vote and came unstuck.

If by chased you mean wanted equality? They mustn't have done a good job because black and minority voters didn't vote for Hillary anywhere near as much as they did Obama.

I'm also not sure democrats as a whole moved to Trump, perhaps in Michigan etc but that state was very close. Also white working classes earning under $55k voted for Hillary, if you believe exit polls that is.

If they're sick and tired of broken promises they better brace themselves for Trumps! Although what's funny is the most outlandish promise of building a wall might actually be going ahead!
I don't think the system is any more flawed than our own or any other system, we could easily get a government that didn't get the popular vote.
It was a counter argument that I said I didn't fully agree with.

I'm guessing from your description of Clinton that you agree with lots of the alt-right.
I had to google alt right so, it seems, the answer would be - the only thing in common is the distaste of anti-democratic crybabies.
Do people think Trump is going to be considerably worse than George W Bush was? I genuinely don't know.
Clinton is worse.

The crimes against humanity she's had her hand in far outweigh that moron.
You live in some Utopian Dreamland. Wait for the shitstorm that is coming, if Trump follows through on half of the bullshit he believes!

The soft underbelly that Europe shows at every opportunity is killing the major European economies. Good luck with that. The world is a bad place, regardless of what the Eurocrats tell you, or try to stuff down your throat. It is all well and good telling people we are all the same and love one and other, but in the real world, lots and lots of people are fucking arseholes who will kill you for you for nothing.
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