Donald Trump

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It's not straw man at all. You've elected to use words like compassion and invite comment upon the use of that word when you so do.

Those 1000 jobs don't operate in a vacuum and as such, as a British person, why are Americans more deserving of your compassion than Mexicans?

It's not a complicated question.
When did I bring Mexicans in to this? that was you, not me. I'm not sure why you are trying to derail this conversation in to a race issue?
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Are you incapable of being happy for Americans not being made unemployed but at the same time feel sorry for nations with high unemployment?
You don't have any compassion for the Mexicans who've been deprived of these jobs and an opportunity to feed their families?

They will be fine GDM. They will tunnel under the wall / fence / metaphorical barrier and go North to work as illegals - same as always. In doing so they will undercut US labour rates and threaten offshoring of US jobs that will be secured in the US by companies demanding similar incentives as Carrier to retain jobs in the US. Though I note out of the total number of jobs "saved" 60% of the original total are still going?

It was just Trump rhetoric as ever - the real shame about the whole thing is the American voter fell for the "I'm the outsider. Not the establishment" trick in a desperate attempt to turn back the clock. It starting to slowly unravel as inauguration day approaches and in 4 years time I strongly believe what they will have and what they thought they were getting will be entirely different. Like here in the UK with Brexit.
I think some of you are showing poor form trying to score points. He saved those jobs for an area of the country that felt left behind i saw the poverty so i am happy these people feel like they do matter and do count. If he had not been essentially laughed at by Obama i would not be to arsed but he has saved them so fair fucks to him for that. People are sick of the excuse Obama gave which was 'we have nothing to incentivize these companies, we can't make them stay' essentially. Trump got the job done however you cut it.

Does it matter where the jobs were going? it is irrelevant i think. The fact these jobs were leaving the country is what is relevant and the fact they are not leaving now.
I think some of you are showing poor form trying to score points. He saved those jobs for an area of the country that felt left behind i saw the poverty so i am happy these people feel like they do matter and do count. If he had not been essentially laughed at by Obama i would not be to arsed but he has saved them so fair fucks to him for that. People are sick of the excuse Obama gave which was 'we have nothing to incentivize these companies, we can't make them stay' essentially. Trump got the job done however you cut it.

Does it matter where the jobs were going? it is irrelevant i think. The fact these jobs were leaving the country is what is relevant and the fact they are not leaving now.
What have the company gotten in return though? If the jobs are being subsidised those areas of the country would be far better off getting a state investment program tbf.
What have the company gotten in return though? If the jobs are being subsidised those areas of the country would be far better off getting a state investment program tbf.

We probably won't find out for a while. Probably along the lines of 'you have done well out of this country so you move now and we impose import rates on your company' or similar, really have no idea tbh. There will be a lot of locals though in that area who feel a lot more secure in their future tonight and a few beers will be supped.
We probably won't find out for a while. Probably along the lines of 'you have done well out of this country so you move now and we impose import rates on your company' or similar, really have no idea tbh. There will be a lot of locals though in that area who feel a lot more secure in their future tonight and a few beers will be supped.

The import rates thing isn't feasible really, much like the Corporation Tax issue it requires global cooperation to solve.
Tbf they're about tax neutral if they're keeping the jobs and income tax against the tax breaks for the company, but they have subsidised the jobs not only for the CFFWSG's 4 year term but 3 years after that. Every single US Corporation with the capacity to move abroad will take this and run with it now and his tariffs move won't work, firstly it's against WTO rules to individually tax companies instead of countries or industry sectors, secondly there's nothing stopping a US company/corporation setting up a phoenix company abroad, transferring assets and liabilities and winding up the existing company and therefore ducking any legislation they might bring in. They could possibly outlaw that, but they'd need global cooperation to bring the benefiting countries in line and they won't get it - see Ireland, the EU and corporation tax discounts for details.

Oh and before anyone mentions Apple, the Irish Government have challenged that and under the EU law that we can set our own tax rates outside of VAT we'll win.
It would not surprise me if Trump named and shamed companies that would use these deals to feather their own nests. If a company is chugging along fine and pulls that he could well call them out publicly and appeal to people to boycott them. All it needs him to say is 'x company has used our efforts to bolster and encourage economic growth here as a means to feed their greed x company was fine before this yet now threaten to leave. I would not use a company who would abuse this effort to better our country and i hope you do not either'

That may be a bit basic but i can well imagine it. I can't imagine companies who are fine but trying it on having the stomach to risk such bad press for a few extra quid.
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