Donald Trump

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ok if you want to persist. You are the guy that spoke of wanting to be sexually aroused and masturbating for god knows how many hours if trump won - whilst trying to convince other people that THEY have deep rooted problems with their sexuality. For 1) do yo not understand how tragically this comes across to anyone that has any sort of sense? 2) you are pretty much the best argument against democracy that anyone could ever dream of 3) that you see a women as an evil witch is not so a great surprise - especially if you bare in mind points 1 and 2
You have made me laugh in return,nicely done :)
It would not surprise me if Trump named and shamed companies that would use these deals to feather their own nests. If a company is chugging along fine and pulls that he could well call them out publicly and appeal to people to boycott them. All it needs him to say is 'x company has used our efforts to bolster and encourage economic growth here as a means to feed their greed x company was fine before this yet now threaten to leave. I would not use a company who would abuse this effort to better our country and i hope you do not either'

That may be a bit basic but i can well imagine it. I can't imagine companies who are fine but trying it on having the stomach to risk such bad press for a few extra quid.
It's already been done Guy, it doesn't have a material effect on profits so they don't give a shit unfortunately.
You think 'argument' is a big word?

Why was it a strawman argument?
Why was it a strawman argument?
"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent"

Did I say American people deserve jobs and Mexican people don't? Did I mention Mexican people at all?

ok if you want to persist. You are the guy that spoke of wanting to be sexually aroused and masturbating for god knows how many hours if trump won - whilst trying to convince other people that THEY have deep rooted problems with their sexuality. For 1) do you not understand how tragically this comes across to anyone that has any sort of sense? 2) you are pretty much the best argument against democracy that anyone could ever dream of 3) that you see a women as an evil witch is not so great a surprise - especially if you bare in mind points 1 and 2

I mean I know you think argument is a big word, so I'll try to spell it out:

  1. 1.
    a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
It either sailed over your head (probable) or you didn't find other funny because you are so blinded in your rabid hatred of the President-Elect (also probable).

I'd love for you to quote anything I have said that is anti democratic, honestly I can't wait. Or could you demonstrate how I am an argument against democracy? It's because I disagree with you I imagine.

Hillary isn't 'an evil witch'. She is a crook who isn't fit for office though. And thank God she won't be in office. And my issue with Hillary has nothing to do with her gender, I will vote for May all day long against the clown Corbyn. Nice try at painting me as a misogynist though.
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A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent"
I know what the definition of a strawman argument is, I'm interested in why you feel it applies.
Why was it a strawman argument?
now i've i've got the popco
"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent"

Did I say American people deserve jobs and Mexican people don't? Did I mention Mexican people at all?

I mean I know you think argument is a big word, so I'll try to spell it out:

It either sailed over your head (probable) or you didn't find other funny because you are so blinded in your rabid hatred of the President-Elect (also probable).

I'd love for you to quote anything I have said that is anti democratic, honestly I can't wait. Or could you demonstrate how I am an argument against democracy? It's because I disagree with you I imagine.

Hillary isn't 'an evil witch'. She is a crook who isn't fit for office though. And thank God she won't be in office. And my issue with Hillary has nothing to do with her gender, I will vote for May all day long against the clown Corbyn. Nice try at painting me as a misogynist though.
this be another example of your projection? as for the strawman argument - it is like this a term you have come across and you believe it makes you look clever to use, but you don't quite know how so it makes look a bit foolish. maybe that is why you are so gullible - so attracted to a man whose idea of sexual health is to 'grab her by the pussy'?
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No point in engaging, mate. He demonstrably doesn't grasp how the world works.
Really? Considering I'm one of the only people on here who predicted a Trump win I'd say my grasp on world affairs is much better than yours.

Anyway, I'm going to sink some drinks and log off for a while since I usually get banned when I dare to defend myself against the 5 or 6 people who start attacking me.

Enjoy your nights.
now i've i've got the popco
this be another example of your projection? as for the strawman argument - it is like this a term you have come across and you believe it makes you look clever to use, but you don't quite know how so it makes look a bit foolish. maybe that is why you are so gullible - so attracted to a man whose idea of sexual health is to 'grab her by the pussy'?
What are you on about you lunatic hahahahahaha what has that got to do with sexual health?
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