Donald Trump

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It would not surprise me if Trump named and shamed companies that would use these deals to feather their own nests. If a company is chugging along fine and pulls that he could well call them out publicly and appeal to people to boycott them. All it needs him to say is 'x company has used our efforts to bolster and encourage economic growth here as a means to feed their greed x company was fine before this yet now threaten to leave. I would not use a company who would abuse this effort to better our country and i hope you do not either'

That may be a bit basic but i can well imagine it. I can't imagine companies who are fine but trying it on having the stomach to risk such bad press for a few extra quid.
Then he would be a bully and a hypocrite coming from the point of paying no tax himself and saying that made him smart,he will be the nastiest most devisive president in history i think
Then he would be a bully and a hypocrite coming from the point of paying no tax himself and saying that made him smart,he will be the nastiest most devisive president in history i think

if it secured jobs and peoples livelihoods then its worth it and most people wont care.
Shame that 1000 jobs have been saved and people on here still can't give him credit.

I guess CNN's hatchet job has really gripped some of you.

Either that or you lack any compassion for people who have been made redundant. Must be nice for you all if that's the case, but having gone through redundancy myself these 1000 jobs staying in the USA (after Obama mocked Trump for promising this) should be celebrated.
you really believe that this '1000' jobs saved is a) something more than Pr and b) something that won't be more than 'evened -out' elsewhere. I get you may have been through the pain of redundancy - but if you still believe that this is a guy that is really going to serve the likes of yourself rather than his multi- millionaire mates...then i feel sorry for you
So, taking it that you are employed right now, why aren't you giving your job and your children's food to someone in a different country?

You sound utterly ridiculous but this is the kind of strawman argument that I'm used to on this thread.
now you are using big words like 'strawman argument' ...well done call yourself a genius
If the americans are happy with a **** of a president then good luck to them
ok, this made be laugh...short, sweet and to the point..great stuff
now you are using big words like 'strawman argument' ...well done call yourself a genius

ok, this made be laugh...short, sweet and to the point..great stuff
You think 'argument' is a big word?

You think 'argument' is a big word?

ok if you want to persist. You are the guy that spoke of wanting to be sexually aroused and masturbating for god knows how many hours if trump won - whilst trying to convince other people that THEY have deep rooted problems with their sexuality. For 1) do you not understand how tragically this comes across to anyone that has any sort of sense? 2) you are pretty much the best argument against democracy that anyone could ever dream of 3) that you see a women as an evil witch is not so great a surprise - especially if you bare in mind points 1 and 2
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