Donald Trump

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Trump as just left this thread:-)

With bog roll stuck to his foot.
They all do pretty much lie at one time or another,or don't tell the whole truth at least.

Trumps being demonized ,when really his opponents,whether political,media,or whoever, would probably be better off ridiculing him at every opportunity.
That’s been tried but it just enthuses his base as they see it as just partisan attacks. On the other hand his base are so in thrall to him that nothing anyone says has any impact on their views of him.
That's not an answer.

I'd love to know your difference between "distorting facts" and "telling outright lies" because they mean the same thing. A lie is a lie is a lie. You're either being truthful or you're not.
Distorting facts could be as simple as using the minority of a poll to support something; like saying "... a third of all Americans support Trump... " whilst ignoring the obvious majority and other two thirds.

It wouldn't be a lie, just very selective and manipulative to the facts.

That's a made up statistic and example obviously.
Can only argue the point but in front of me.

Trump isn't some exception to the rule. The only thing he does differently is have a much more brash, bombastic and open style about it. The only difference that there is, is that his style keeps him in the media loop to a much greater degree than the traditional style.
That is a view of him that is very novice in insight on how he has become the figure he now is, which is to say the actor and soundbite vehicle that is all he is. Trump's team, obviously not he himself, have become the most effective 'politicians' since social media became a real force in the 2010s. That isnt to say a credible force of course, because it isn't. But it has influence, as even a fact can be presented as a lie if you put it on a platform so broad that a percentage lf it will believe it. What his team did is embrace this and leave all other credible, traditional and legitimate figures behind because they all either misunderstood or disregarded how much influence it had.
He is in the media loop because he is nothing else without it. Thats why he tweets rather than speaks like an adult in forums where he may be asked a question and expected to give a reasonable answer.
For a clever bloke, you have really misunderstood with this idiot is doing.
That is a view of him that is very novice in insight on how he has become the figure he now is, which is to say the actor and soundbite vehicle that is all he is. Trump's team, obviously not he himself, have become the most effective 'politicians' since social media became a real force in the 2010s. That isnt to say a credible force of course, because it isn't. But it has influence, as even a fact can be presented as a lie if you put it on a platform so broad that a percentage lf it will believe it. What his team did is embrace this and leave all other credible, traditional and legitimate figures behind because they all either misunderstood or disregarded how much influence it had.
He is in the media loop because he is nothing else without it. Thats why he tweets rather than speaks like an adult in forums where he may be asked a question and expected to give a reasonable answer.
For a clever bloke, you have really misunderstood with this idiot is doing.

I don't go in for conspiracy based on very little. Trump seems to jump between an autistic idiot who is manipulated behind the scenes by his team of puppetmaster, and an evil supergenius who has Pied Pipered the nation and has a grand plan to dump the US into fascism. Can't be both guys. Got to pick one of them and stick to it.

And Trump is an evolution rather than revolution. Obama was the revolution and his techniques have been copied by every leader from Macron to Cameron to Corbyn to Trump since then.

His team pretty much invented the modern social media data scraping technology and targeted ads but more importantly he invented Trumps rhetoric.

Drain the swamp is the right wing version of Hope and Change.

They mean literally the same thing; which is that they both mean nothing specifically but sort of sound like they do, and that they are broad enough to mean whatever the voter wants them to mean. Obama also used to conversational rhetorical style that Trump adopted in the early 2010s where lots of people felt like he was "their guy".

Trump is doing nothing particularly unique here. He's espousing pretty typical right wing views in the US, he's creating tribalism against his political enemies within his base using identity politics, and he's constantly telling voters what they want to hear without actually telling them anything. He also targeted electoral votes over and above the election to surprise the result, making sure he targeted things extremely directly to the population rather than a state by state level. He also says outlandish stuff knowing that his base will try to find a way to make it true, and he can build in the moderate vote by distancing himself from it so he looks the victim.

Now go back and replace Trump with Obama or Corbyn or Cameron or Farage. They're all playing the game that Obama's team invented. Clinton and May were playing early 2000s/analogue politics in a digital age which is why they didn't get the results they were after.

I'm not blind to Trump not do I find him particularly compelling. I just think the opposition to him is the largest overreaction I've ever seen in Western politics and people have lost any semblance of sensibleness about him. He's a movie villain to them and they're the Avengers
“Senators have been muzzled. So I will now say three things that committee staff has explained are permissible to say without violating committee rules. … One: This was not a full and fair investigation. It was sharply limited in scope and did not explore the relevant confirming facts. Two: The available documents do not exonerate Mr. Kavanaugh.

And three: the available documents contradict statements Mr. Kavanaugh made under oath. I would like to back up these points with explicit statements from the FBI documents — explicit statements that should be available for the American people to see. But the Republicans have locked the documents behind closed doors.”

Senator Warren on the FBI report...

It was clear from the start that when Kavemaugh was bumped to the shortlist after effectively claiming a sitting president should not be subject to the law that this was going to be a sham nomination.

The American public have to take a portion of the blame here. They knew what they were getting with Trump. Not enough people came out to vote against him, which allowed for the possibility of a foreign nation to illegally affect the election result. And here we are.
Because the right to privacy is a fundamental human right established by every human rights charter on the planet?

Don’t make shit up! It ruins whatever cogent point you might have. For instance, had I said “the police have tapped my phone because I got a speeding ticket” your comment would be a worthy comment. If I said, “I’m running for a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS, and I used o be a political operative who leaked negative information about the Clinton’s during the Starr investigation, and I may have perjured myself about my GP behavior over the last 30+ years, and I may well have been a blind drunk for much of high school and college....but I will overturn Roe and fuck Democrats at every opportunity, so please appoint me...” I’d say haha...haha...haha...haha...because it has nothing to do with the issue!
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