Donald Trump

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Yes. And he won. Why? I think it was complacency. A voter base who saw the outcome as so obvious they stayed home. And a lack of motivation provided by Mrs. Clinton. And the “fed-up-ness” of his supporters whom the world has passed by (anger is a great motivator to action). And maybe Russia.

But he won’t win the next one, if he even runs.
If the Dems take the House and the Reps hold the Senate in the mid-terms, it will be political ping-pong for the next 2 years, and Trump will blame the Dems for all of it. Like you say, anger is a great motivator. Write Trump off at your peril.
Well, she did. It's a fact.

Trump won it on gerrymandered districts and potential Russian interference.

I was referring to "the Orange Abortion"

Is this bullshit really the best standard of posting you lot can bring? Crap playground names, whinging about conspiracies and a total lack of grace about defeat?

It's like talking to a bunch of fucking five year olds sometimes.
I was referring to "the Orange Abortion"

Is this bullshit really the best standard of posting you lot can bring? Crap playground names, whinging about conspiracies and a total lack of grace about defeat?

It's like talking to a bunch of fucking five year olds sometimes.

It isnt the only thread affected either.
I was referring to "the Orange Abortion"

Is this bullshit really the best standard of posting you lot can bring? Crap playground names, whinging about conspiracies and a total lack of grace about defeat?

It's like talking to a bunch of fucking five year olds sometimes.
If you want to see 5 year old behaviour from a grown man I'm sure Trump's rallies are available on YouTube.
If you want to see 5 year old behaviour from a grown man I'm sure Trump's rallies are available on YouTube.

Fine, if you lot aren't bothering to try go have an actual adult conversation then I won't either.

Here's the latest theory about QAnon. I believe you'll find it is conclusive.


For those who do not wish to learn how to decode Trump and Q or already know how to, they may directly go to the conclusion of this post. Once they get there, they are kindly reminded everything they read came from the horse’s mouth and that is what makes the difference... :)

Let’s begin.

October 2nd 2018, 5:20 PM, the Maestro tweets this:

In this 47 second video, Trump informs us it is the 103rd time the Stock Market hits another record high. Then, he mocks the Fake News media that will be quick to nitpick in case the number turns out to be 102 or something similar. Then, he finishes the video saying, “I think, it’s around…”. Why is Trump this vague? His advisers could have given him the exact number before his speech right? Well, you know the Maestro by now. This has a meaning. Of course he did it on purpose! By giving the numbers 103, then 102, then saying “it’s around…”and tweeting: “This is really an incredible time for our Nation”, he is hinting we should find and analyze a connection between time and numbers around 102 and 103.

With that in mind, let’s look at the Q board. We discover the last post Q made before Trump’s tweet is Q2317. Q cryptically says:

53-47 Q

And this post was made at 3:31 PM EST (as you already know is off by 1H). This is exactly 109 minutes before Trump’s tweet. Now you know why the Maestro was vague about 103: the real number he wanted us to look at was 109. Pretty cool right? Keep that number somewhere in the back of your head, we’ll get back to it after we gather more clues to narrow the context.

So we now know Trump’s tweet is related to Q2317. You want a confirmation? Look at the length of the video: 47 seconds. Here is the 47 in Q2317. But then, where is the 53 in Trump’s tweet? I’ll show you. As usual, we need to analyze the capital letters. But before we do, do you see this random dash between Nation and WE? This is Trump hinting we should make a subtraction between the first 2 capital letters T, N and the WE. TN=34 and WE=28, therefore TN-WE=6. Add this 6 to the 47 we got from the length of the video and here is your 53. The Maestro coded in his tweet Q’s cryptic 53-47 using the length of the video and the dash.Image1PNG

We are now in a situation that will allow us to know more about Q2317. If we keep analyzing the Maestro’s tweet, this 53-47 Q gave us is soon going to make more sense. Let’s gather all the pieces of the puzzle.

Next capital letters: RESPECTED AGAIN=127. Now this is pure beauty. Image2PNG This answers the natural question: why didn’t Trump tweet this video exactly 109 minutes after Q2317? He could have made the riddle simpler and make that 109 more obvious. The reason is because he wants to confirm the TN-WE grouping we did earlier. By analyzing T,N,W,E in one step and RESPECTED AGAIN=127 in another, the timestamp of the tweet is confirmed: 5:20PM can be written 17:20 and here is your 127 permutation.

Now what does the Maestro really mean with RESPECTED AGAIN=127? Looking at the news, the context is pretty obvious: since 53 and 47 add up to 100, 53-47 looks like a Senate vote result, which is what everybody has been worrying about these last few days. With that in mind, notice 127 is also the value for THAT’S A WRAP.

Now it’s time to go back to the 109 I told you to keep in the back of your head. Since we have narrowed the context, we retain 109 is also the value for FLAKE’S CLOUD and TOTAL FAKER.

Do you see it? The puzzle is now coming together. We can now ask the legitimate question: why did Trump turn on his right, probably looking at his staff, and say about 103: “it’s not a bad number, right?”? Then he repeats the number a second time before generously distributing his usual extra hot pepper ice cream biscuits to the Fake News media. This insistence from the Maestro is because 103 is relevant: it is the value for COUNTING.

We can now go back to the beginning of the riddle and analyze why Q posted Q2317 at 3:31 PM EST and not at another time. This is because 331= THEY GET SCARED AND THEN GO INTO DENIAL.

Last question: why is 53-47 located at Q2317? This is to show who will win the vote. I have already explained in previous posts that 23 is the Trump and Q dynamics and we have 17=Q. Saying 53-47 at post#2317 is Q’s way to say: 53-47 for our team.

We have now gathered all the pieces of the puzzle Image2PNG:

53-47 in Q2317 posted on October 2nd 2018
53-47 coded in Trump’s tweet

We can now assemble them and extract what Trump and Q are telling us.


Summarized and illustrated in Image3PNG

As confirmed in Q2296, we initially had the votes but the swamp decided to fight back. They found a way to delay the confirmation process by activating Ana Maria Archila, a Soros operative link, a total faker who, in complicity with the Fake News MSM confronted Jeff Flake for the world to see. Their scheme worked: Flake got scared, went into denial and by asking for a week FBI investigation, he put a cloud over the confirmation process. But we went back to lobbying and as of October 2nd, we have secured a 53-47 for the final vote and are still counting. As things are going, it’s a wrap. Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed, his honor will be restored and he will be respected again.

Q2295 You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. OLD GUARD >>> POWER TO THE PEOPLE RED OCTOBER. Q
Fine, if you lot aren't bothering to try go have an actual adult conversation then I won't either.

Here's the latest theory about QAnon. I believe you'll find it is conclusive.


For those who do not wish to learn how to decode Trump and Q or already know how to, they may directly go to the conclusion of this post. Once they get there, they are kindly reminded everything they read came from the horse’s mouth and that is what makes the difference... :)

Let’s begin.

October 2nd 2018, 5:20 PM, the Maestro tweets this:

In this 47 second video, Trump informs us it is the 103rd time the Stock Market hits another record high. Then, he mocks the Fake News media that will be quick to nitpick in case the number turns out to be 102 or something similar. Then, he finishes the video saying, “I think, it’s around…”. Why is Trump this vague? His advisers could have given him the exact number before his speech right? Well, you know the Maestro by now. This has a meaning. Of course he did it on purpose! By giving the numbers 103, then 102, then saying “it’s around…”and tweeting: “This is really an incredible time for our Nation”, he is hinting we should find and analyze a connection between time and numbers around 102 and 103.

With that in mind, let’s look at the Q board. We discover the last post Q made before Trump’s tweet is Q2317. Q cryptically says:

53-47 Q

And this post was made at 3:31 PM EST (as you already know is off by 1H). This is exactly 109 minutes before Trump’s tweet. Now you know why the Maestro was vague about 103: the real number he wanted us to look at was 109. Pretty cool right? Keep that number somewhere in the back of your head, we’ll get back to it after we gather more clues to narrow the context.

So we now know Trump’s tweet is related to Q2317. You want a confirmation? Look at the length of the video: 47 seconds. Here is the 47 in Q2317. But then, where is the 53 in Trump’s tweet? I’ll show you. As usual, we need to analyze the capital letters. But before we do, do you see this random dash between Nation and WE? This is Trump hinting we should make a subtraction between the first 2 capital letters T, N and the WE. TN=34 and WE=28, therefore TN-WE=6. Add this 6 to the 47 we got from the length of the video and here is your 53. The Maestro coded in his tweet Q’s cryptic 53-47 using the length of the video and the dash.Image1PNG

We are now in a situation that will allow us to know more about Q2317. If we keep analyzing the Maestro’s tweet, this 53-47 Q gave us is soon going to make more sense. Let’s gather all the pieces of the puzzle.

Next capital letters: RESPECTED AGAIN=127. Now this is pure beauty. Image2PNG This answers the natural question: why didn’t Trump tweet this video exactly 109 minutes after Q2317? He could have made the riddle simpler and make that 109 more obvious. The reason is because he wants to confirm the TN-WE grouping we did earlier. By analyzing T,N,W,E in one step and RESPECTED AGAIN=127 in another, the timestamp of the tweet is confirmed: 5:20PM can be written 17:20 and here is your 127 permutation.

Now what does the Maestro really mean with RESPECTED AGAIN=127? Looking at the news, the context is pretty obvious: since 53 and 47 add up to 100, 53-47 looks like a Senate vote result, which is what everybody has been worrying about these last few days. With that in mind, notice 127 is also the value for THAT’S A WRAP.

Now it’s time to go back to the 109 I told you to keep in the back of your head. Since we have narrowed the context, we retain 109 is also the value for FLAKE’S CLOUD and TOTAL FAKER.

Do you see it? The puzzle is now coming together. We can now ask the legitimate question: why did Trump turn on his right, probably looking at his staff, and say about 103: “it’s not a bad number, right?”? Then he repeats the number a second time before generously distributing his usual extra hot pepper ice cream biscuits to the Fake News media. This insistence from the Maestro is because 103 is relevant: it is the value for COUNTING.

We can now go back to the beginning of the riddle and analyze why Q posted Q2317 at 3:31 PM EST and not at another time. This is because 331= THEY GET SCARED AND THEN GO INTO DENIAL.

Last question: why is 53-47 located at Q2317? This is to show who will win the vote. I have already explained in previous posts that 23 is the Trump and Q dynamics and we have 17=Q. Saying 53-47 at post#2317 is Q’s way to say: 53-47 for our team.

We have now gathered all the pieces of the puzzle Image2PNG:

53-47 in Q2317 posted on October 2nd 2018
53-47 coded in Trump’s tweet

We can now assemble them and extract what Trump and Q are telling us.


Summarized and illustrated in Image3PNG

As confirmed in Q2296, we initially had the votes but the swamp decided to fight back. They found a way to delay the confirmation process by activating Ana Maria Archila, a Soros operative link, a total faker who, in complicity with the Fake News MSM confronted Jeff Flake for the world to see. Their scheme worked: Flake got scared, went into denial and by asking for a week FBI investigation, he put a cloud over the confirmation process. But we went back to lobbying and as of October 2nd, we have secured a 53-47 for the final vote and are still counting. As things are going, it’s a wrap. Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed, his honor will be restored and he will be respected again.

Q2295 You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. OLD GUARD >>> POWER TO THE PEOPLE RED OCTOBER. Q

The same Qanon that proclaimed Trump as a secret genius?
The same Qanon that proclaimed Trump as a secret genius?

Think so, I don't really pay attention to it.

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