Donald Trump

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So what, both Clinton's and Trump's campaigns were targeted to produce a win under the existing system. They would have altered their approaches to achieve a win under another system.
The discussion touted democracy. The US election is not decided by democratic vote. If you don’t like facts, don’t debate. Oh wait, what am I thinking...facts and Republicans?! Haha!

Can you tell me the last Republican elected to President who was elected by a majority of the voters?
I was referring to "the Orange Abortion"

Is this bullshit really the best standard of posting you lot can bring? Crap playground names, whinging about conspiracies and a total lack of grace about defeat?

It's like talking to a bunch of fucking five year olds sometimes.
Pocahontas, anyone?!

Take your faux outrage somewhere else, snowflake!
If the Dems take the House and the Reps hold the Senate in the mid-terms, it will be political ping-pong for the next 2 years, and Trump will blame the Dems for all of it. Like you say, anger is a great motivator. Write Trump off at your peril.

I think Blue turnout is going to be much higher, assuming Democrats run someone who can galvanize their support. I doubt Trump has won over many new converts since the election. I'm still not sure he's running. Retiring undefeated and leaving them wanting more will probably be appealing to to him. And probably he'll want his time back, especially at age 74.
I think Blue turnout is going to be much higher, assuming Democrats run someone who can galvanize their support. I doubt Trump has won over many new converts since the election. I'm still not sure he's running. Retiring undefeated and leaving them wanting more will probably be appealing to to him. And probably he'll want his time back, especially at age 74.
I hope so.
I've been to see Macbeth at the Lowry this afternoon. When Macduff's son is conversing with his mother, I could not but help think of the state of the Union.

What is a traitor?
Why, one that swears and lies.
And be all traitors that do so?
Every one that does so is a traitor and must be hanged.
And must they all be hanged that swear and lie?
Every one.
Who must hang them?
Why, the honest men.
Then the liars and swearers are fools, for there are liars and swearers enough to beat the honest men and hang up them.
Now, God help thee, poor monkey! The Republican Party hast heard thee true.
The irony of you bemoaning a lack of grace and people behaving like children....

Yes because anybody who disagrees with you and the prevailing current is acting like a child and lacks grace. Whereas talking about "the Orange Abortion" and such type is perfectly valid behaviour. You make your own bed.

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