Donald Trump

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That essentially asks my question.

It's also made especially worse by the 'White Walker', Kelly Anne Conway's forked tongue, when she commented that Flynn had "100% President Trump's confidence". All this trying to rush through Trump's picks through the senate has now handed the Dems the absolute upper hand in slowing down the process even more.

There'll be more chaos within the next couple of months.
Trump's view on his Twitter is "The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington?". Having a National Security Adviser in cahoots with the Russians is obviously no big deal to him. Incredible.
Trump's view on his Twitter is "The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington?". Having a National Security Adviser in cahoots with the Russians is obviously no big deal to him. Incredible.

Can you imagine what they'd keep from their own citizens IF there were no leaks AND had they have been successful in getting rid of the Ethics Committee?!!

It really is astounding what's happening over there, politically speaking!!
A nation where they've voted in a liar with officials who lie. Which makes you wonder,whilst the media concentrate on the liars. What other legalisation along with right to work is being passed to suppress the majority.Any gerrymandering to remove minorities from voting etc?
Seriously . . . how fucking dumb do you have to be to do this shit and think (a) it's a right and good thing to do and (b) that you're going to get away with it?

How does one describe this other than as a betrayal of what America is supposed to be? Republicans are going to start walking . . . no, running . . . away from this calamity very, very soon.
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Isn't the big question now, how much has Flynn learnt about National Security in the few days in office that the Russians would like to know? Phone taps, take his passport away?
A nation where they've voted in a liar with officials who lie. Which makes you wonder,whilst the media concentrate on the liars. What other legalisation along with right to work is being passed to suppress the majority.Any gerrymandering to remove minorities from voting etc?

Now we are getting somewhere!

Let's not forget, SO FAR Drumpf has only signed Executive Orders and held meetings with famous business people every day for the cameras. He has done NOTHING to move the REAL ISSUES, which is where the Republican Congress comes in! They are, as we type, preparing to reimagine the United States in their image: White, God-fearing, and money worshipping! If you invest or own a business for a living, you're in great shape. If you work for an hourly wage, wake the fûck up, because here comes the "Boom!"

People are SO focused on Drumpf that they are missing the fact that that Republicans are waiting, like a coiled spring, to try to gut the progressive nature of the tax code, reduce corporate taxes by half, remove estate taxes, write "right to work" laws that gut unions and create a race to the bottom for the poorest and semi-skilled workers, and get rid of the Department of Energy, Education and EPA! They are going to turn over federal lands to drillers and frackers, remove environmental restrictions on the coal industry and relax clean water provisions so heavy industry can pollute again. And, all of that is before they try to figure out how to get rid of Medicare and Social Security, by turning them into 401(k) type programs, where you pay in, invest, and get to draw out later in life, rather than a Govt guarantee of the income and coverage.

What all of this will do is quickly drive the stock market higher, reduce wage levels, and balloon the deficit and thus national debt will explode. Revenues Willy decrease as expenses increase dramatically, if the infrastructure spending being called for comes anywhere close to the size discussed....including a stupid wall to stop Mexicans!

BUT, the Republicans have a problem, because their base is all for SMALL GOVT, NOT HIGH SPENDING AND BALLOONING DEBT LEVELS, yet it is the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY to do what they are saying they will do! Sure, they will tell you "Growth, growth, growth" will take care of the revenues, because even at lower tax levels, the revenue inflows from the growth of the economy and higher wages, etc, etc, will more than make up for it! Then, they will talk about the Laffer Curve, and act like you are stupid for not knowing and understanding how it works, even though it only works in theory, and on a piece of paper! After all, it is NOT science, it is art!

So, while they will gut, gut, gut, it is hard to see where they grow and succeed FOR "REAL AMERICANS"...,you know, the ones in the hinterlands with the MAGA ball caps, Carhartt jackets, and souped up F-150 trucks!

And this shit is only just getting started...YIKES!
Trump's view on his Twitter is "The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington?". Having a National Security Adviser in cahoots with the Russians is obviously no big deal to him. Incredible.
This is the classic; "if I hadn't been caught, no one would have known" defence. It's a well known strategy put forward by some nursery school aged children but probably not one that should be brought out by high ranking government officials.
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