Donald Trump

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If all sickness could be said to a symptom of conflict - and the likes of war, poverty, disease and pollution are forms of conflict - then might it be fair to say that the world is operating
at pretty low levels of health? That people seem to be celebrating trump in a manner that suggests he will somehow end this conflict, I find to be a curious notion. Do really believe that he will shake up a system that has shit loads of money invested in keeping the world (and his own country) in a state of conflict?
from Trump's first 100 day pledge
  1. End Illegal Immigration Act Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first."

My bet is he will only start the wall once the Mexicans promise to pay - therefore no wall. I thought more Mexicans were going back home than were coming North these days? What is the point in shovelling even more people into an overcrowded prison service? Finally what are the sanctions for American citizens who refuse to do low paid jobs normally done by Mexicans?
Having sat in a bus full of hick, hollerin' Americans on the way back from a Barbadian boat trip, I say let's build the wall. let's build it tall and beautiful, then let's run like feck ...
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My bet is he will only start the wall once the Mexicans promise to pay - therefore no wall. I thought more Mexicans were going back home than were coming North these days? What is the point in shovelling even more people into an overcrowded prison service? Finally what are the sanctions for American citizens who refuse to do low paid jobs normally done by Mexicans?
Is anyone on planet erf actually even considering the building of a wall between two countries? And those two countries? I mean, a wall. 2000 miles of brick wall.
It's not really democracy is it? The candidate with the majority of the people's votes wasn't elected. What is with this electorate system? It's retarded.
It's not really democracy is it? The candidate with the majority of the people's votes wasn't elected. What is with this electorate system? It's retarded.
No it isnt. It actually works quite well and makes sense in such a vast and diverse country. And retarded is a very vulgar Americanised word, used by idiots with poor vocabulary, that is actually quite offensive.
No it isnt. It actually works quite well and makes sense in such a vast and diverse country. And retarded is a very vulgar Americanised word, used by idiots with poor vocabulary, that is actually quite offensive.
It didn't work quite well yesterday, or the time Bush jr was elected.
Not sure what people are cribbing about, Clinton and her feminazi followers didn't win, Trump voters gave a huge middle finger to all the bleeding hearts, and now a bloke who was at Wrestlemania has his finger on the button. Interesting times ahead.
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