Donald Trump

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Is anyone on planet erf actually even considering the building of a wall between two countries? And those two countries? I mean, a wall. 2000 miles of brick wall.

Mainly steel fences but the principle is the same, plenty of countries have barriered themselves off. It's a sad state of affairs that it has incresed rather than decreased recently.

Argentina-Paraguay Argentina Under construction N/A Anti-illegal immigration, anti-illegal trade and anti-drug smuggling

Belize-Guatemala Belize Proposed Disputed Territory and Anti-illegal immigration

Botswana/Zimbabwe Botswanaand Zimbabwe 2003 Anti-illegal immigration

Brunei/Limbang Brunei and Limbang 2005 Anti-illegal immigration

Bulgaria/Turkey Bulgaria 2014 Anti-illegal immigration

Ceuta border fence Spain 2001 Anti-illegal immigration

China/Hong Kong Hong Kong 1960s -early Anti-illegal immigration

Costa Rica/Nicaragua Costa Rica Proposed Anti-illegal immigration

Chinese-Korean border fence China and North Korea Under construction Anti-illegal immigration

Egypt-Gaza barrier Egypt 1979, subterranean barrier under construction Anti-terrorism and anti-illegal immigration

Estonia-Russia border fence Estonia and Russia Planned anti-Russian intrusion, anti-illegal trade and anti-illegal immigration

Macedonia-Greece barrier Macedonia 2015 Anti-illegal immigration

Malaysia-Thailand border Thailand and Malaysia Proposed Anti-terrorism

Melilla border fence Spain 1998 Anti-illegal immigration

Hungary–Serbia barrier Hungary 2015 Anti-illegal immigration

Hungary–Croatia barrier Hungary 2015 Anti-illegal immigration

Indo-Bangladeshi barrier India Under construction Anti-illegal immigration

Indo-Burma barrier India Under construction Anti-drug smuggling and anti-terrorism

Indian Kashmir barrier India 2004 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)

Iran-Pakistan barrier Iran and Pakistan Under construction Anti-drug smuggling

Kazakh-Uzbekistan barrier Kazakhstanand Uzbekistan 2006 Anti-drug smuggling

Korean Demilitarized Zone North Koreaand South Korea 1953 Conflict zone

Kruger National Park South Africaand Mozambique 1975 Anti-illegal immigration

South Africa/Zimbabwe Border South Africa 2000s Anti-illegal immigration, Anti-drug Smuggling, Anti Weapon Smuggling

Pakistan-Afghanistan barrier Pakistan Proposed Anti-terrorism

Saudi-Yemen barrier Saudi Arabiaand Yemen 2004 Anti-illegal immigration

Saudi-Iraq barrier Saudi Arabiaand Iraq 2014 Anti-illegal immigration and Conflict zone

Slovenia-Croatia barrier Slovenia under construction Anti-illegal immigration

Turkmen-Uzbekistan barrier Turkmenistanand Uzbekistan 2001 Anti-illegal immigration

Ukraine-Russia barrier Ukraine and Russia Under construction Anti Weapon Smuggling and Conflict zone

United Arab Emirates-Oman barrier United Arab Emirates and Oman Under construction Anti-illegal immigration

United States–Mexico barrier United States Under construction Anti-illegal immigration and drug smuggling

Uzbek-Afghanistan barrier Uzbekistanand Afghanistan 2001 Anti-illegal immigration

Uzbek-Kyrgyzstan barrier Uzbekistanand Kyrgyzstan 1999
Mainly steel fences but the principle is the same, plenty of countries have barriered themselves off. It's a sad state of affairs that it has incresed rather than decreased recently.

Argentina-Paraguay Argentina Under construction N/A Anti-illegal immigration, anti-illegal trade and anti-drug smuggling

Belize-Guatemala Belize Proposed Disputed Territory and Anti-illegal immigration

Botswana/Zimbabwe Botswanaand Zimbabwe 2003 Anti-illegal immigration

Brunei/Limbang Brunei and Limbang 2005 Anti-illegal immigration

Bulgaria/Turkey Bulgaria 2014 Anti-illegal immigration

Ceuta border fence Spain 2001 Anti-illegal immigration

China/Hong Kong Hong Kong 1960s -early Anti-illegal immigration

Costa Rica/Nicaragua Costa Rica Proposed Anti-illegal immigration

Chinese-Korean border fence China and North Korea Under construction Anti-illegal immigration

Egypt-Gaza barrier Egypt 1979, subterranean barrier under construction Anti-terrorism and anti-illegal immigration

Estonia-Russia border fence Estonia and Russia Planned anti-Russian intrusion, anti-illegal trade and anti-illegal immigration

Macedonia-Greece barrier Macedonia 2015 Anti-illegal immigration

Malaysia-Thailand border Thailand and Malaysia Proposed Anti-terrorism

Melilla border fence Spain 1998 Anti-illegal immigration

Hungary–Serbia barrier Hungary 2015 Anti-illegal immigration

Hungary–Croatia barrier Hungary 2015 Anti-illegal immigration

Indo-Bangladeshi barrier India Under construction Anti-illegal immigration

Indo-Burma barrier India Under construction Anti-drug smuggling and anti-terrorism

Indian Kashmir barrier India 2004 Anti-terrorism (disputed territory)

Iran-Pakistan barrier Iran and Pakistan Under construction Anti-drug smuggling

Kazakh-Uzbekistan barrier Kazakhstanand Uzbekistan 2006 Anti-drug smuggling

Korean Demilitarized Zone North Koreaand South Korea 1953 Conflict zone

Kruger National Park South Africaand Mozambique 1975 Anti-illegal immigration

South Africa/Zimbabwe Border South Africa 2000s Anti-illegal immigration, Anti-drug Smuggling, Anti Weapon Smuggling

Pakistan-Afghanistan barrier Pakistan Proposed Anti-terrorism

Saudi-Yemen barrier Saudi Arabiaand Yemen 2004 Anti-illegal immigration

Saudi-Iraq barrier Saudi Arabiaand Iraq 2014 Anti-illegal immigration and Conflict zone

Slovenia-Croatia barrier Slovenia under construction Anti-illegal immigration

Turkmen-Uzbekistan barrier Turkmenistanand Uzbekistan 2001 Anti-illegal immigration

Ukraine-Russia barrier Ukraine and Russia Under construction Anti Weapon Smuggling and Conflict zone

United Arab Emirates-Oman barrier United Arab Emirates and Oman Under construction Anti-illegal immigration

United States–Mexico barrier United States Under construction Anti-illegal immigration and drug smuggling

Uzbek-Afghanistan barrier Uzbekistanand Afghanistan 2001 Anti-illegal immigration

Uzbek-Kyrgyzstan barrier Uzbekistanand Kyrgyzstan 1999
Well researched post.

The most depressing part is you'd think that amongst all that building work they could have snuck in a wall to keep the twats in Trafford at bay? If ever a group of people deserved a wall it's them cun#s.
Well researched post.

The most depressing part is you'd think that amongst all that building work they could have snuck in a wall to keep the twats in Trafford at bay? If ever a group of people deserved a wall it's them cun#s.

unfortunately instead we keep building more tram lines to the swamp.

I doubt that he will achieve 10% of that, and then only the preliminary stuff "announce my intention", "begin the process" etc. I expect that most of it will quickly be modified or quietly dropped.

That said, I dont agree with the view that some have expressed that now he's been elected he will turn into Mr Moderate. He's created huge expectations among his followers and if he now says "Sorry, didnt mean it" he'll soon have an angry mob outside the White House. He might not do some of things he said, might not build a physical wall, but he'll have to come up with alternative headline grabbing initiatives to keep his troops happy.
My bet is he will only start the wall once the Mexicans promise to pay - therefore no wall. I thought more Mexicans were going back home than were coming North these days? What is the point in shovelling even more people into an overcrowded prison service? Finally what are the sanctions for American citizens who refuse to do low paid jobs normally done by Mexicans?

The wealthy employers and corporations forcing those low paid jobs on people might have to take a hit on their huge profits and start offering a decent and fair wage if there's no longer dozens of Mexican illegal immigrants available for every position?
I keep hearing people are 'in shock' and 'no one saw this coming' - are these people blind? I live in Manchester, UK and I saw it coming how can they be so ignorant?
I keep hearing people are 'in shock' and 'no one saw this coming' - are these people blind? I live in Manchester, UK and I saw it coming how can they be so ignorant?

Because the BBC (or State Controlled Television as I prefer to call it) and most other aspects of the MSM is dominated by a metropolitan liberal elite who are so narrow minded and intolerant due to the brainwashing they've received that they can't even comprehend that people will have views and opinions different to their own?

These people are the new ''useful idiots'' of the Neo-liberal Globalists that have taken control of Western governments and economies in the last 2 decades
It also sounds a defence of Neville Chamberlain.

Not at all but to be fair to Chamberlain, I don't think he knew what the Germans were planning nor capable of. He genuinely just wanted peace.
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