Donald Trump

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My comment has nothing to do with whom you were conversing.

With a supercilious manner you tried to dismiss somebody you assumed to have an acceptance for Trumps character, then opened yourself up later on the same page by saying you'd vote for Clarkson in a heart beat. You claim he's not a homophobe or a racist. There are many reports out there that suggest he may be. Here's one

Yes, a spanner indeed
Yeah you're still wrong. And don't call me super silly. You're the super silliest.

A nation divided, when you look at the state breakdowns, the urban vs rural is even more evident. GDM's musing that there might be a fraction in the union isnt as simple as red and blue states as, the divisions between them are even greater than the differences simply along state/geographical lines.

What they need is a skilled diplomat to bring them all together, someone used to dealing with people of varying backgrounds and skilled at finding compromises. Someone who wont strop or sue whoever doesnt agree with them... step forward the president elect.
That is what the far right media and crackpots would have you believe, because Obama wanted to give healthcare to people who couldnt afford it, even uber right wing/she devil/fascist etc etc Maggie Thatcher believed in free healthcare for all in this country, not just the poor. Obama would be in the Tory party if he was a UK politician.

I agree. I also think the Tories are not right wing enough :-)
Yeah you're still wrong. And don't call me super silly. You're the super silliest.

Clever! Let's leave it now. I had to make my point.
Please have a look at the link, or any of the other reports, then you may see my point. Trump and Clarkson, a very fine line for me.
Trump and Clarkson, a very fine line for me.
I think they share a common trait, in that they say things they don't fully believe for career advancement. I suspect Clarkson is much more 'liberal' than he lets on and I don't believe Trump will consider doing the more outlandish stuff he claimed in the campaign eg that preposterous wall suggestion.
When did the term 'Liberal' become an adjective used in the pejorative?

Believe that homophobia shouldn't be allowed?
Believe in gender equality?
Believe in racial equality?

Then funnily enough, you too are one of those wishy washy Liberals.

I think the traditional left wing voters are pissed off at those issues being pushed ahead of their own. The least likely group to go to university are white, working class boys, and the white working class have been overlooked by liberal parties over at least the last decade. Liberal parties should focus on equality and realise that means they should treat everyone the same, rather than focus on groups of people. Hilary's feminist push turned out to be a more anti-male push than anything else.

If liberal parties aren't shouting for them, people are likely to turn to more extreme parties that will, as that has sadly become their only option.
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