Donald Trump

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Plenty of non racist, non sexist, non Islamophobic people voted for Trump, simply because they felt like a minority in their own country and didn't want that anymore. Globalization hasn't done anything for them. Multiculturalism hasn't done anything for them. So why vote for a candidate that represents everything about the system that's keeping them down?

People were willing to look past his frankly ridiculous statements because they reasoned to themselves, "Okay this guy is a crazy, but maybe he could actually put more money in my pocket".
Plenty of non racist, non sexist, non Islamophobic people voted for Trump, simply because they felt like a minority in their own country and didn't want that anymore. Globalization hasn't done anything for them. Multiculturalism hasn't done anything for them. So why vote for a candidate that represents everything about the system that's keeping them down?

People were willing to look past his frankly ridiculous statements because they reasoned to themselves, "Okay this guy is a crazy, but maybe he could actually put more money in my pocket".

Is he going to put more money in their pocket though? Or more likely will the "biggest tax cuts since Reagan" he's promised actually favour those metropolitan areas with the most businesses that voted against him?

Those in rural and small town areas seriously expect him to turn back the clock and bring back industrial jobs that have been replaced by new technologies, gone to cheaper immigrant labour or been sent overseas over the past two decades?
To be fair in the lead up to the elections he said he wanted the government to pay for every Americans health care (much like the NHS).

Obviously we'll have to see if he has the ability to do that.

Which is crazy as this kind of talk would usually bar anyone from the Republican party.
Plenty of non racist, non sexist, non Islamophobic people voted for Trump, simply because they felt like a minority in their own country and didn't want that anymore. Globalization hasn't done anything for them. Multiculturalism hasn't done anything for them. So why vote for a candidate that represents everything about the system that's keeping them down?

People were willing to look past his frankly ridiculous statements because they reasoned to themselves, "Okay this guy is a crazy, but maybe he could actually put more money in my pocket".
That is true. Not all Trump supporters are racists, bigots or Islamophobes but I would say that all the racists, bigots and Islamophobes that voted opted for Trump.
That is true. Not all Trump supporters are racists, bigots or Islamophobes but I would say that all the racists, bigots and Islamophobes that voted opted for Trump.

Is that the same as not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorist are Muslim?
Bluetev has repeatedly, on this thread and the previous one, accused all blacks, latinos and muslims of being racist, bigoted, sexist and mysogynist; not just some of them - all of them. To me that means he's racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic, and makes any opinion from him irrelevant to a normal discussion.
That's a longer winded way of calling someone a wrong un and a word removed.
Just a prediction he wont build a wall on mexico border and neither there will be ban on muslims, they were just election slogans which all politicians have used and once they come into power they backtrack on it just like obama did it with "CHANGE" slogan and people fell for it. What he would do most probably is increase the border security and adopt measures to improve the border protection measures. Muslims will come under further surveillance but there wont be a ban

Problem is CHANGE didn't drum up anger and hatred. Trump has and those people will demand he does it.

As I said before, going off previous Presidents he won't do close to half the stuff he has said but I bet he'll blame it on the system, Obama, the media, etc...
Those in rural and small town areas seriously expect him to turn back the clock and bring back industrial jobs that have been replaced by new technologies, gone to cheaper immigrant labour or been sent overseas over the past two decades?
If he imposes 35% import tariffs he just may.
You talked about people being brainwashed by the MSM.
I am simply pointing out that terms like "Neo-liberal Globalists" and "metropolitan liberal elites" can be found almost exclusively on certain outlets that are always anti-establishment and typically repeat conspiracies as fact so if anyone's brainwashed.....

So do you really believe that at any point in the last 20 years the UK has had a Labour govt with traditional Labour values? Or a Conservative govt with traditional Conservative values?

Also in the same time period have the U.S. had a Republican govt with traditional Republican values? Or a Democrat govt with traditional Democrat values?

Because all I've seen in the last 20 years in both countries is a succession of govts who's aims and policies have done nothing but continually enrich and empower the banks, the corporations and wealthy asset owning classes. Whist the working/middle classes have become dis-empowered, disenfranchised, indebted and materially poorer than ever before.

The most apt description I've heard for neo-lib/neo-con policies is that it is socialism for the banks, the corps and wealthy elite... how anyone can argue that we've not had that for the last 20 years is beyond me.
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