Donald Trump

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The funniest thing is watching grown men cry on youtube. Grow a spine dickheads
I see Your Another one that can predict things, I can only go off What I've seen, you on the other hand are just making up shit you think might of happened

Nope, just irks me a little seeing posts on social media that people that lost the vote should just shut up and accept it. When its obvious they wouldn't if the other way around.

Farage already said before the result of the EU vote that if it was a close margin for us to stay he would demand a second referendum.

Trump was ready to accuse the election of being rigged if he lost.

Goes without saying that anyone who has to resort to violence to demonstrate there position are utter c*nts and should be locked up.
Nope, just irks me a little seeing posts on social media that people that lost the vote should just shut up and accept it. When its obvious they wouldn't if the other way around.

Farage already said before the result of the EU vote that if it was a close margin for us to stay he would demand a second referendum.

Trump was ready to accuse the election of being rigged if he lost.

Goes without saying that anyone who has to resort to violence to demonstrate there position are utter c*nts and should be locked up.

Good to see you're condemning the violence(eventually) tho you have form for turning a blind eyes to violence, "just a few dickheads at West Ham" but maybe you should ask Watford/Sunderland/Bournemouth/Chelsea fans for their opinions
Please do expand on your brief and so far pointless comment...
You talked about people being brainwashed by the MSM.
I am simply pointing out that terms like "Neo-liberal Globalists" and "metropolitan liberal elites" can be found almost exclusively on certain outlets that are always anti-establishment and typically repeat conspiracies as fact so if anyone's brainwashed.....
I wonder how many of those giving trump a hard time for some comments, are willing to press for labour leaders over here being jailed for covering up the industrial scale gang rape of thousands of young girls by their Pakistani Muslim, sorry "Asian" support Base for a decade

I cant see anyone defending that behaviour in any way. What a bizarre comment that you think somebody who would find Trump bragging about grabbing pussy disturbing would somehow condone rape no matter who it is by.
I wonder how many of those giving trump a hard time for some comments, are willing to press for labour leaders over here being jailed for covering up the industrial scale gang rape of thousands of young girls by their Pakistani Muslim, sorry "Asian" support Base for a decade

Oh shit, you've caught me. I think what Trump says is terrible, but i fully condone gang raping young girls. I admit it. Damn, you're like Columbo.
I cant see anyone defending that behaviour in any way. What a bizarre comment that you think somebody who would find Trump bragging about grabbing pussy disturbing would somehow condone rape no matter who it is by.
Bluetev has repeatedly, on this thread and the previous one, accused all blacks, latinos and muslims of being racist, bigoted, sexist and mysogynist; not just some of them - all of them. To me that means he's racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic, and makes any opinion from him irrelevant to a normal discussion.
You talked about people being brainwashed by the MSM.
I am simply pointing out that terms like "Neo-liberal Globalists" and "metropolitan liberal elites" can be found almost exclusively on certain outlets that are always anti-establishment and typically repeat conspiracies as fact so if anyone's brainwashed.....

You forgot the names libtard, libcuck or whatever else is the new buzzword on brietbart, reddit and 4chan.
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