Donald Trump

Cancer or heart patients do.

There maybe some outliers that take that long but most of the time it’s weeks for suspected cancer.

Last year I had a symptoms that could have been cancer and was put on a 2 week wait, meaning I had to be seen in 2 weeks. Within a month I’d had a colonoscopy, endoscopy and full body CT.

My brother just had a cancer diagnosis, he was seen in less than a month.
Trump's policy is to have no policy. Just speculation. Guesswork. Things he will 'have a look at'.

He tried having an actual policy once. It was called “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.” You know the one where they spent $15Bn even though Republicans still complain that ‘millions of illegals’ are crossing the border.

Which really demonstrates quite perfectly why he generally chooses not to have any actual policies. Far safer to just do nothing.
Another day in TRUMPISTAN (ultra red Oklahoma) where you can't even take a walk with your son to stay fit:

We'll have it fixed so good,
you won't have to vote!

Don't think, don't claim you have rights
Just do what you're told!

Seig Heil Mein Fuhrer Trump

Scumbags. Terrifying that a guy can't even take a walk with his boy.

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