Donald Trump

I already said the day after Biden won he should announce he was a one-term President to avoid precisely the scenario that unfolded. So congratulations for bandwagoning, well done. And only someone who knew nothing about America would conclude anything about us "as a nation". Generaliz(s)ing about a 350M person melting pot is a mug's game. You seem to think if we all just ignored Trump he would go away. That's an idiot take. Once again, I've said since 2015 the only plank the GOP has in their platform is "own the libs." Nothing's changed. How do you expect people to respond?
I thought the plank in the Republican Party was the one running for president.
Stuart Hall, for all his faults was a fantastic wordsmith.
Particularly loved his speech to all those reporters calling the allegations of sexual abuse against him “pernicious, callous, cruel and above all spurious".

And then the **** pleaded guilty.
Trump has the vocabulary of an underdeveloped 11 year old, on a good day.

‘Linguistic analyses of Trump speeches show that his active vocabulary barely exceeds that of a primary-school pupil.’

- Julia Ebner, The Rage p.119 (the study she is referring to was carried out by the German linguist Elisabeth Wehling).

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