Donald Trump

The suppressed anger and hate of this cult is scary. Even the religious ones (who are just authoritarians hiding behind holiness) they want us dead.
I suspect the drill baby drill stuff is partly about owning the libs. Withdrawing from NATO is more petulant grandstanding that will have terrible consequences.

It needs this level of hate to produce an equal level of rabid obsession from the 'liberals' and cast trump in the boogeyman/persecuted man of the people role(s) in which he thrives.
Weirdly the gops ultra pro business approach has made texas the go to place for lots of small independents. Most streamers for example move to Texas. That positive economy means young people stay around where they might have gone of to the east or west coast. And anyone who is looking at big tax bills but can do business from anywhere will look to places like texas. Florida is similar but way more retirement based.
Yes, been to San Antonio, Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth and Amarillo and the former two have that business start up energy about them far more than the latter two. Think the state is changing rapidly and is more likely (although it is still very unlikely) to flip more than Florida for the reason you outlined.

Would be absolutely fucking hilarious if it did though.
Yes, been to San Antonio, Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth and Amarillo and the former two have that business start up energy about them far more than the latter two. Think the state is changing rapidly and is more likely (although it is still very unlikely) to flip more than Florida for the reason you outlined.

Would be absolutely fucking hilarious if it did though.
I've brought this up several times, and I'd add North Carolina is another state with a similar dynamic, especially the Research Triangle, although retirees are going there as well as a red counterbalance. But if TX goes perma-blue the way CA, WA, OR and CO have -- formerly red states two generations ago -- the GOP is effectively toast when it comes to winning a Presidential election with the Electoral college.
Meh, you're not a wum -- you're just wrong about most things. There's a difference.
Like biden losing his marbles? We had a good few years of me being wrong about that. Now it seems I'm wrong about the maga loons and their tactics. As a nation you are being played, and it's the same play you will fall for again.
Like biden losing his marbles? We had a good few years of me being wrong about that. Now it seems I'm wrong about the maga loons and their tactics. As a nation you are being played, and it's the same play you will fall for again.
I already said the day after Biden won he should announce he was a one-term President to avoid precisely the scenario that unfolded. So congratulations for bandwagoning, well done. And only someone who knew nothing about America would conclude anything about us "as a nation". Generaliz(s)ing about a 350M person melting pot is a mug's game. You seem to think if we all just ignored Trump he would go away. That's an idiot take. Once again, I've said since 2015 the only plank the GOP has in their platform is "own the libs." Nothing's changed. How do you expect people to respond?
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