Firstly, I'd just like to apologise for trump. I also think calling Harris “mentally-disabled” and suggesting a “Purge”-like criminal justice policy are completely reasonable assertions, not in any way a sign of a disturbed person unfit for high office. Anyone saying otherwise is “self-radicalised”.
Obviously I'm an admirer of Trump so it’s unsurprising that that I would use Trump’s summary of the Mueller report. This reason why I regularly try to minimise Trump’s venality. I certainly don't bother trying to establish the facts. Make America Great Again brothers.
I've always been a Trumper - I'm simply irritated, frustrated and disappointed that I can't stay above the fray and critici(s)ze both sides equally, like the true periodically-smug-and-trollish misanthrope I am. I do thankfully have enough common sense to recogniz(s)e that. Finally, I'm essentially a fucking hopeless wanking moron like the other two.