Donald Trump

The funniest thing about this video is the Ivermectin kit they start shilling in the side bar half way through.

Because normal people often watch political rallies while thinking “Oh yes, I forgot to buy my monthly supplement of horse de-wormer.”

This lot are weird as fuck dude.
It’s Trump, of course they’ll have horse de-wormer adverts. Wasn’t it him or one of his anti-vax followers (Joe Rogan?) who said it was best used for COVID?
“Troll” is so much more concise.

Though, I do think he has become a Trump apologist in practice.

He’ll no doubt soon post a treatise on why calling Harris “mentally-disabled” and suggesting a “Purge”-like criminal justice policy are completely reasonable assertions, not in any way a sign of a disturbed person unfit for high office, and anyone saying otherwise is “self-radicalised”.
Firstly, I'd just like to apologise for trump. I also think calling Harris “mentally-disabled” and suggesting a “Purge”-like criminal justice policy are completely reasonable assertions, not in any way a sign of a disturbed person unfit for high office. Anyone saying otherwise is “self-radicalised”.
Obviously I'm an admirer of Trump so it’s unsurprising that that I would use Trump’s summary of the Mueller report. This reason why I regularly try to minimise Trump’s venality. I certainly don't bother trying to establish the facts. Make America Great Again brothers.
I've always been a Trumper - I'm simply irritated, frustrated and disappointed that I can't stay above the fray and critici(s)ze both sides equally, like the true periodically-smug-and-trollish misanthrope I am. I do thankfully have enough common sense to recogniz(s)e that. Finally, I'm essentially a fucking hopeless wanking moron like the other two.
Firstly, I'd just like to apologise for trump. I also think calling Harris “mentally-disabled” and suggesting a “Purge”-like criminal justice policy are completely reasonable assertions, not in any way a sign of a disturbed person unfit for high office. Anyone saying otherwise is “self-radicalised”.
Obviously I'm an admirer of Trump so it’s unsurprising that that I would use Trump’s summary of the Mueller report. This reason why I regularly try to minimise Trump’s venality. I certainly don't bother trying to establish the facts. Make America Great Again brothers.
I've always been a Trumper - I'm simply irritated, frustrated and disappointed that I can't stay above the fray and critici(s)ze both sides equally, like the true periodically-smug-and-trollish misanthrope I am. I do thankfully have enough common sense to recogniz(s)e that. Finally, I'm essentially a fucking hopeless wanking moron like the other two.
The first step is acceptance.
It’s Trump, of course they’ll have horse de-wormer adverts. Wasn’t it him or one of his anti-vax followers (Joe Rogan?) who said it was best used for COVID?
I think @Mazzarelli's Swiss Cheese suggested it, as well.

(Since we can now just make things up when posting, with no need to tie anything we say to facts or reality, or even make an effort not troll, with no consequence for doing so, it seems.)
Maybe self awareness? ;-)

I think @Mazzarelli's Swiss Cheese suggested it, as well.

(Since we can now just make things up when posting, with no need to tie anything we say to facts or reality, or even make an effort not troll, with no consequence for doing so, it seems.)
I suggested drinking bleach I think. I can't spell the name of the horse dewormer thingy

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