Donald Trump

Have you read it? Essentially evidence of russian attempted fiddling aplenty, but nothing they could really pin on the orange one.
I think you're nuts. You essentially self-radicalised during the pandemic and became obsessed. It happened to a lot of internet dwellers at that time. Getting so visibly emotional about an election in a country far away is in itself pretty nuts.
You can think whatever you wish about me, I value your opinion slightly below that of my friend’s pet goldfish.
It's getting increasingly hard to understand him, he just keeps repeating words and doesn't end sentences before starting another. Rambling ****.
I wonder if this is a function of him falling behind in the polls, by it creating some sort of viscous (arguably virtuous!) circle with his already dysfunctional brain. Whether the desperation he must be feeling is causing his mind to further degenerate.

I did feel that he would become increasingly incoherent as the election loomed and his latest output would certainly support that view.
That is in no way an accurate summary of the Mueller report. That is the summary Trump claimed, but it is not at all what the report says.
He’s clearly a secret admirer of Trump so it’s unsurprising that he would use Trump’s summary. Can’t be any other reason why he regularly tries to minimise Trump’s venality. He certainly doesn’t bother trying to establish the facts.
I wonder if this is a function of him falling behind in the polls, by it creating some sort of viscous (arguably virtuous!) circle with his already dysfunctional brain. Whether the desperation he must be feeling is causing his mind to further degenerate.

I did feel that he would become increasingly incoherent as the election loomed and his latest output would certainly support that view.
It's a pantomime campaign in a lot of ways -- he has no platform, no new ideas, or at least no practical solutions to problems. It's the same tired greatest hits. He doesn't prepare, and he doesn't care. He's relying on the cult of personality and the fact that plenty of his constituents won't leave him because he's a Republican and Harris isn't. As with so many of his failed ventures, he loses interest and leans on blame, excuses and lawyers to rationaliz(s)e his failures, and will do again if he doesn't win, as we know. Add to that that whether due to exogenous pressures or age or both that he's losing his marbles and I cannot see how he drives a resurgent campaign, absent a Harris gaffe. She's leaning on Democrat grass roots organiz(s)ation now to drive turnout in the swing states and operating a Hippocratic oath campaign -- "first, do no harm." The last major hurdle will be Walz tomorrow night -- he can't screw up the debate against Vance, and I don't think he will.
He’s clearly a secret admirer of Trump so it’s unsurprising that he would use Trump’s summary. Can’t be any other reason why he regularly tries to minimise Trump’s venality. He certainly doesn’t bother trying to establish the facts.
Naw, he's no Trumpy -- he's simply irritated, frustrated and disappointed that he can't stay above the fray and critici(s)ze both sides equally, like the true periodically-smug-and-trollish misanthrope he is. He has enough common sense to recogniz(s)e that. He's not a fucking hopeless wanking moron like the other two.
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It's getting increasingly hard to understand him, he just keeps repeating words and doesn't end sentences before starting another. Rambling ****.
I note he’s not used Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV in this campaign yet.

It’d probably go Person, Hannibal Lector, Dogs, Impaired, Why’s everybody gone home? this time around though.

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