Donald Trump

Is it just me, or has he become weirdly crass these last few days (even by his standards)? He keeps talking about dicks, and he called Harris retarded. That's not really the kind of thing he would have done a couple of years ago, despite all the other awful shit he does.

It's like whatever little filter he had that helped offer some veneer of plausible deniability has just completely dropped. Now he is just publicly saying the first thing that comes into his head and the kind of thing that he previously probably only said in private. The rate he's going, I wouldn't be surprised if he drops an N-bomb before polling day.
Have you forgotten him taking the piss out of a disabled reporter last time round?
Yes, it’s such a weak system, there have been so many bad actors, and they’ve all done what Trump has each and every year for nearly 250 of them.

Still waiting for the specific weaknesses to be described. No, the fact that a President is packing the court isn’t a hole — Presidents have been doing it forever, as anyone who had read a single book on the USC would know — and somehow society didn’t collapse.

More than that, I’m still waiting for the many PhD-in-political-science geniuses who post here to give us detailed, specific solutions for fixing these problems, and especially tell us all how easy it would be to legislate said fixes.

It’s like the moaning on the match day thread for all the better-than-Peps there.
A false argument there. The fact that presidents have been packing SCOTUS for ever is not evidence that it is not a weakness.
I guarantee you are 100 percent easily missing something.

Very possibly. I can always accept I may be missing something. I just can't get my head around it. Help me out.

You say Trump is a bad faith actor. I get it, so which is it in your view?

Trump is a danger to democracy in the US because the constitution/institutions aren't robust enough to deal with a bad faith actor?

Or Trump isn't a danger to democracy in the US because the constitution/institutions are so robust?

If it's the second, then the people on here warning of a danger to democracy are presumably the ones missing something.
Vote Trump get Vance.

He's the one the Heritage society are truly backing.
What you get if Trump wins is largely unknown.

In 2016 he didn't expect to win and had no plan in place. What happened was basically a shitshow of disfunction. Bannon and Miller were trying to push the worst of maga forward, the racist Muslim ban a good example of the kind of divisive policy they wanted. But Trump was not able to deal with the fallout, he is incredibly vein and wile he is deeply racist he hates the bad press. And so does the GOP establishment who would step in and Ivanka was the key counterweight trying to hold a coalition of sensible people together to keep the likes of Bannon in check. Miller (a nazi) vs Trump's daughter (married into a Jews family) and the nutters were mostly sidelined. But it was basically chaos and failure to drive anything forward for 4 years. Apart from the tax cuts where important voices were all aligned.

Once he lost in 2020 all the sensible voices sighed with relief and started packing their bags and after Jan 6th they ran for the hills. Only the nutters stayed around and got back on board for the 2024 run. It's why the Jan 6th was a hoax narrative is so key for them. It's like a pledge of loyalty. And why he ended up entertaining confessed nazis at Mar a Lago.

So these nutters have typed up a plan, project 2025 but in typical Trump style he hated the criticism so he disowned it. But unlike last time Ivanka and the mainstream GOP operatives are not there to try to put together an alternative. The GOP has been hollowed out, there little left to reign him in. A big part of project 2025 is recruiting people from outside of Washington. Nutters who won't flinch.
Have you forgotten him taking the piss out of a disabled reporter last time round?

Well that’s a fair retort. But the thing with Trump is, he does so much fucked up stuff it is weirdly easy to forget something like that which would be (rightly) a career-ender for any other politician. I guess I’m referring more to his “general demeanour” than any one particular thing. He’s become almost consistently infantile and crude recently and I do think something is going on there. Either he’s pushing that stuff more to get headlines because he thinks he’s losing, or this is a part of his cognitive decline, or he has just stopped caring.

Very possibly. I can always accept I may be missing something. I just can't get my head around it. Help me out.

You say Trump is a bad faith actor. I get it, so which is it in your view?

Trump is a danger to democracy in the US because the constitution/institutions aren't robust enough to deal with a bad faith actor?

Or Trump isn't a danger to democracy in the US because the constitution/institutions are so robust?

If it's the second, then the people on here warning of a danger to democracy are presumably the ones missing something.

I don’t want to speak for @FogBlueInSanFran but his thinking on this is similar to mine. Which is that Trump is a danger to democracy because there is no way you can make a constitution robust enough if more than half the government and the president are bad faith actors. In the event GOP win all branches of government, making changes to the constitution to try and prevent a Trump dictatorship is like shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. There is really nothing you can do about that. The whole point is they are not playing by the same set of rules we are, they will just make the rules to suit them.

For the record, I don’t think that’s a good argument for not changing the Constitution. I think it’s a bit fatalistic. Like not getting a vaccine because of the 5% chance you’ll get the disease anyway. The Constitution needs updating and amending because within its current civil framework there seems to be good cause for it (e.g. the Electoral College is outlined in the Constitution and I think is broken). But this, for me, is separate to amending the Constitution to protect against Trump which is a bit of a fool’s errand.
Many countries are similar, laws written over 200 years ago can have little relevance indeed we probably have many hundreds of years on America with ours, it’s just many of those old ones aren’t enforced or taken seriously anymore. Americans will never get rid of their guns, there’s too many to start with but they will just have to accept we all think they are wrong as they mourn their children shot to death in school.
My wife, yes.
My dog, maybe.
My gun, never.

Bumper sticker I saw regularly in Texas.
Very possibly. I can always accept I may be missing something. I just can't get my head around it. Help me out.

You say Trump is a bad faith actor. I get it, so which is it in your view?

Trump is a danger to democracy in the US because the constitution/institutions aren't robust enough to deal with a bad faith actor?

Or Trump isn't a danger to democracy in the US because the constitution/institutions are so robust?

If it's the second, then the people on here warning of a danger to democracy are presumably the ones missing something.
It’s not an either/or.

Every Democratic system of government relies on trust — trust that those elected will not attempt to abuse their power. The entire banking and currency system relies on trust — trust that paper money is backed by the full faith and credit of the government that issues it.

No system of government let alone democracy is immune from a bad faith actor who chooses to abuse trust and power. It’s not exclusive to America, or anywhere. It’s just that we haven’t had a President who did as such since Nixon.

I am wide open for suggestions as to what system/reforms are better — reforms all would agree on, that is, not impractical ones.

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