I think you can apply common sense to these things, if we banned UPF's then would obesity get better? I say yes there's a good chance so there is clearly at least an established indirect link.UPF in isolation don't cause obesity. Too many calories, a lack of a varied diet and little to no exercise (not burning calories) causes obesity. The UPF does need better regulation, but years and years of successive governments ignoring the problem is the issue, and in a $ multi-billion industry, you can understand why governments have been reluctant to act.
If RFK wages all-out war on UPF, the food industry it could have disastrous consequences on the industry as a whole, and the knock-on effects to the economy will be huge. It certainly won't be these wealth politicians that suffer the consequences.
Let's face it, people in the US are not getting fatter because they're eating too many fruit and vegetables. They're getting fatter because they're eating too much of the wrong things whilst not doing enough exercise. It isn't as bad here but consumption of UPF's is rising in Europe and so is obesity with it, what else could be the cause?
Of course there is an economic impact but does that make it right? There is an argument for consumption in moderation but UPF's are literally designed for addiction. It's a conversation worth having and I think he's absolutely right, we shouldn't disregard it and either way the economics should come last.
Obviously he is an anti-vaxxer but I don't find his ideas controversial. I'd find it controversial if somebody was forcing vaccines upon people which is what happened during COVID. If you worked in healthcare then you'd lose your job if you refused the vaccine and that's both morally and ethically wrong. I'd understand if the vaccine both 100% prevented you from catching and spreading COVID but this is false.
I'll quote what he said last week on vaccines and I just don't see how it is controversial? - "If vaccines are working for somebody, I’m not going to take them away. People ought to have choice, and that choice ought to be informed by the best information."
What RFK Jr could do on US vaccines, fluoride and drugs
The vaccine sceptic would have broad power over food safety, vaccinations and pharmaceuticals.