Donald Trump

In Iowa recently he went after John McCain again. Still bitter about McCain's vote against him in Congress to keep the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") going, Trump mocked McCain's arm injury suffered when he was in Vietnam. This type of personal nastiness is who he is, of course, but what's disturbing is how his base (and base they are) lap it up. Ten or 12 years ago McCain was universally regarded as a hero and a patriot but if you look at readers' comments on the U.S. edition of the Daily Mail (yes, I know) report on Trump's latest speech there are lots of morons there calling McCain a traitor and a coward - it's a measure of how far Trump has debased political discourse and life in general in this land.

And this coming from a draft dodger with the made up bone spurs excuse. He's attacked dead soldiers, Disabled ones. Gold star Mums. 5 Star Generals, There is pratically fuckall that he could say which would turn his base against him.
And this coming from a draft dodger with the made up bone spurs excuse. He's attacked dead soldiers, Disabled ones. Gold star Mums. 5 Star Generals, There is pratically fuckall that he could say which would turn his base against him.
He’s a disgrace and the fact that certain US people want him in power (power is different from responsibility) makes me angry.
And this coming from a draft dodger with the made up bone spurs excuse. He's attacked dead soldiers, Disabled ones. Gold star Mums. 5 Star Generals, There is pratically fuckall that he could say which would turn his base against him.

The guy is made of teflon because he surrounds himself with apologists and stooges who will excuse anything from him.

In normal times the stuff you wrote would be the end of anyone politically.

I think it's inevitable that he'll be President again.
Says a lot about the GOP that they haven’t got anybody better than Trump.

Saying that, same as the Democrat’s?
And this coming from a draft dodger with the made up bone spurs excuse. He's attacked dead soldiers, Disabled ones. Gold star Mums. 5 Star Generals, There is pratically fuckall that he could say which would turn his base against him.
Yep. Nearly 8 years too late to be offended at this. He was a **** even then
Logic tells me Trump will lose. I look at the percentage he secured in 2016 and 2020 and cannot see how he will add incremental voters to that. People who weren’t in the cult back then, are extremely unlikely to have been converted since.

Add into the mix those who did vote for him previously, genuinely appalled at his behaviour after his defeat - and the demographic factors you’ve highlighted and logic points to a fairly comprehensive victory for Biden.

The problems are the consequences are so catastrophic, and the stakes so high, that any prospect of Trump winning causes disproportionate angst amongst all right thinking people.

Add into the mix, something unpredictable and seismic happening to tip the balance towards Trump, and you have a breeding ground for anxiety.

Plus, for me at least, a Biden victory is unlikely to represent a decisive resolution. The circus will continue well after November.

Let's see if Russia can present Biden with some problem which will make likely Democrat voters think twice. Trump doesn't need more votes if some Democrats decide not to vote......
Logic tells me Trump will lose. I look at the percentage he secured in 2016 and 2020 and cannot see how he will add incremental voters to that. People who weren’t in the cult back then, are extremely unlikely to have been converted since.

Add into the mix those who did vote for him previously, genuinely appalled at his behaviour after his defeat - and the demographic factors you’ve highlighted and logic points to a fairly comprehensive victory for Biden.

The problems are the consequences are so catastrophic, and the stakes so high, that any prospect of Trump winning causes disproportionate angst amongst all right thinking people.

Add into the mix, something unpredictable and seismic happening to tip the balance towards Trump, and you have a breeding ground for anxiety.

Plus, for me at least, a Biden victory is unlikely to represent a decisive resolution. The circus will continue well after November.

This was my thinking re: brexit, mainly on the logical economic suicide grounds.

And unfortunately it hinges on the hinged - right thinking people doing the right thing.

In recent years it seems all too easy to sway emotion with political strongman tactics, regardless of the insanity of the policy, or moral turpitude of the characters.

I think the Putin comment is a very valid one, though am hoping that the shit sump he has created for himself might go some way to limiting his ability to stir up something new.

However, Russia has vast resources that they obviously don't care about burning in pursuit of their goals...
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This was my thinking re: brexit, mainly on the logical economic suicide grounds.

And unfortunately it hinges on the hinged - right thinking people doing the right thing.

In recent years it seems all too easy to sway emotion with political strongman tactics, regardless of the insanity of the policy, or moral turpitude of the characters.

I think the Putin comment is a very valid one, though am hoping that the shit sump he has created for himself might go some way to limiting his ability to stir up something new.

However, Russia has vast resources that they obviously don't care about burning in pursuit of their goals...
Your username is co-incidently apt.

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