Donald Trump

Apparently he's now opined that the civil war could have been solved by negotiation.
Like he claims he could stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. But only by immediately cancelling all aid to Ukraine and promising his puppet master Putin he'll look the other way while allowing Russia to flatten and annex the whole country.
Trump told the EU he wouldn't defend NATO from attack in 2020
Unless he is prevented from standing at the next Presidential election then the west is totally, utterly fucked.
For sure Europe has to increase it's defence budgets by 2 to 3 times (depending on the country) - about the only thing Trump was right about, but he has to be permenantly bared from electoral office.
The opportunity to permanently ban him from office was presented to the Senate post Jan 6th with his 2nd impeachment. A majority of senators voted to convict but it needed a super majority.

He survived by a handful of votes. And because of that he has a good argument with each state that he should be allowed on the ballot.

A criminal conviction might change rhetoric and the legal position but as of right now he can stand for office.
Totally disagree.
Both the cirrent UK and US voting systems allow the people to kick out a government .PR does not and that is why it is in on balance a worse solution.
Until someone can deliver a PR solution that results in a simple electoral majority of the larget party at an election of 10% (of the whoe election vote) kicking the previous largest party out of all major government positions then PR is also not fit for purpose.
Yes, FPTP continues to serve
us so well.
Totally disagree.
Both the cirrent UK and US voting systems allow the people to kick out a government .PR does not and that is why it is in on balance a worse solution.
Until someone can deliver a PR solution that results in a simple electoral majority of the larget party at an election of 10% (of the whoe election vote) kicking the previous largest party out of all major government positions then PR is also not fit for purpose.
The last Republican president won fewer votes than his opponent and was still elected, and the one before him (GW Bush) also lost the popular vote the first time around. Biden won the 2020 election by about 7 million votes (about 4.5%) but if Trump had won about 100,000 more votes distributed in the right places, he could have won. Yes it turned out fine in 2020, but it's hardly a foolproof system when it comes to kicking out an unpopular president - or ensuring one doesn't get elected in the first place.

Unlike in the US it's not possible in practice for a party that isn't the largest to win a parliamentary majority in the UK (though it would be in theory), but I wouldn't describe it as especially fair - you can get a healthy parliamentary majority with about a third of the overall vote, as Labour did in 2005. That isn't fair in my eyes. Whatever other problems there might be with PR, at least it's more democratic.
The last Republican president won fewer votes than his opponent and was still elected, and the one before him (GW Bush) also lost the popular vote the first time around. Biden won the 2020 election by about 7 million votes (about 4.5%) but if Trump had won about 100,000 more votes distributed in the right places, he could have won. Yes it turned out fine in 2020, but it's hardly a foolproof system when it comes to kicking out an unpopular president - or ensuring one doesn't get elected in the first place.

Unlike in the US it's not possible in practice for a party that isn't the largest to win a parliamentary majority in the UK (though it would be in theory), but I wouldn't describe it as especially fair - you can get a healthy parliamentary majority with about a third of the overall vote, as Labour did in 2005. That isn't fair in my eyes. Whatever other problems there might be with PR, at least it's more democratic.
Agree. Their are all sorts of versions of PR and semantics can be applied. But I like the system and idea that you can put up multiple people and 1 has to get at least 50% of votes to win. I think Australia has a system like that and compulsory voting. Although I don't think you should be forced to vote.
Like he claims he could stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. But only by immediately cancelling all aid to Ukraine and promising his puppet master Putin he'll look the other way while allowing Russia to flatten and annex the whole country.
Didn’t he do that for Turkey with the Kurd’s?
Using a Windows laptop (Cmd + b on a Mac), or just click on the 'B' at the top left corner of the edit window to toggle bold type on/off.

Back to the Don.

I'm not so fussed about another Biden/Trump election. In reality, Biden has actually been a stabilising force, and the US economy is doing relatively well when compared to other countries economies.

Republicans have proved time and again they are utterly incapable of governing, instead preferring to turn the legislative process into a clown show on steroids. This is Trump MAGA, essentially nothing short of a cult. The sooner the **** gets locked up and removed from the ticket in every state, the better.
Agree with all, except your “in reality” statement, which while true is not the narrative repeated and beaten to death in the U.S.

One’s intellect, based on verifiable data and formulated from experience, is constantly challenged by politically divisive media which states “alternative facts.”

Indeed, there are interviews online where, when speaking to Joe and Jane Public, regardless of the fact set presented, Joe’s and Jane’s internal monologue tells them that things are just too expensive and the country is going in the wrong direction due to crime and illegal immigration!

It’s no coincidence that these are the exact talking points of the Right and are even regurgitated by the Left-leaning media at times, because explaining truth us harder than spouting platitudes!

A simple series of questions:

1) What can the current President do about 4% inflation?

2) What would Trump do, if elected?

3) What has caused the inflation and U.S. that unique to the U.S. or is it a more global phenomenon?

4) Is crime up or down?

5) How about retail theft?

Get answers (or what passes for them) to those questions and I think I could venture a guess on how that person voted in 2020 and will vote in 2024.

Biden needs to start changing the narrative with facts and the Democratic Party needs to decide whether they’re going to get squarely behind him or keep whispering about how they’d like a younger, more vibrant candidate to go against a frankly “aging in dog years, but even more made-up” Donald Trump.

We look like we e run out of intelligent ideas and that for the 70 years the country has been unable to develop someone who could both be the President and project the strength Americans seem to require of their President. And, too many will accept the latter over the former, if it becomes a choice!

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