Donald Trump

Sadly, it looks like Trump is going to win the Iowa Caucus by a record margin for a non-incumbent, which will only further his megalomania and harm his opponents.

At this point, the Justice System (or death) is the only thing that can stop the inevitable from happening.

What a piece of garbage this man is and what a sad state of affairs for the USA, its education system and its self-denoted moral superiority.

After 2020, he has baited the trap for an even greater theft and insurrection if he doesn’t get exactly what he wants. The genius of the gaslighting is that the effects come true, but the cause is never the conspiracy theory floated, repeated, and thus inserted in the minds of the feeble and the cult members.

I am NOT looking forward to November 5th or thereafter! It may make the Gunpowder Plot look like a family BBQ!!
Sadly, it looks like Trump is going to win the Iowa Caucus by a record margin for a non-incumbent, which will only further his megalomania and harm his opponents.

At this point, the Justice System (or death) is the only thing that can stop the inevitable from happening.

What a piece of garbage this man is and what a sad state of affairs for the USA, its education system and its self-denoted moral superiority.

After 2020, he has baited the trap for an even greater theft and insurrection if he doesn’t get exactly what he wants. The genius of the gaslighting is that the effects come true, but the cause is never the conspiracy theory floated, repeated, and thus inserted in the minds of the feeble and the cult members.

I am NOT looking forward to November 5th or thereafter! It may make the Gunpowder Plot look like a family BBQ!!
I'm sure as this gets more real the opposition to him will get railed up. He needs a major miscarriage of justice to keep him out of jail and again it creates such an incentive to go vote for Joe Biden.
It's Martin Luther King Day here in the U.S.. Trump is celebrating his success in persuading Iowans and probably much of the country to accept his lies about the last election and the events of January 6 when his maga followers stormed the Capitol. Meanwhile I'm watching a documentary about what happened at another Capitol building, the one in Montgomery where King made his famous address after the March from Selma in 1965. Included in that oration was his firmly stated belief that Truth will prevail. Yes it did so in 1965 when LBJ signed the Voting Rights Act, now it's got till November to keep the lies from taking over.
"I'm disappointed in America" King once said. He both knew what he was talking about and he had no idea.
I'm sure as this gets more real the opposition to him will get railed up. He needs a major miscarriage of justice to keep him out of jail and again it creates such an incentive to go vote for Joe Biden.
I live in Illinois, which is BLUE, but I’ll be voting down ticket races, too, so I’ll definitely be there.

We actually have early voting, with Nov 5th being the “Election Day” when votes are counted. I’ll be voting asap.

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