Donald Trump

Does Iowa have a low population? Unless I’m reading it wrong, Trump only got just over 50,000 votes, 20 odd for the others. Seems an extremely low turnout.
Don't think it's the most populated State and I believe it's rather a 'white State' if I can use that term i.e. it's not as diverse as many of the States that carry big numbers of delegates.

But I'm certainly no expert in America.
Don't think it's the most populated State and I believe it's rather a 'white State' if I can use that term i.e. it's not as diverse as many of the States that carry big numbers of delegates.

But I'm certainly no expert in America.
Population just over 3 million, 88% of whom are white. The only worthy thing to come out of Iowa is Bill Bryson.
Does Iowa have a low population? Unless I’m reading it wrong, Trump only got just over 50,000 votes, 20 odd for the others. Seems an extremely low turnout.
Iowa is used as the Republicans first state as its a political backwater. Its very white and rural. The kind of place that favours the least progressive politics.

So he won 50% of the vote from registered Republicans who bothered to show up in this small backwater. That is hardly surprising. It's designed this way to give old school conservatives and early win and lead. It's not a surprising outcome. The only disappointment is that Hayley and Rod DeSantis are tied. Trump's only threat would have been if one of these made a clear win and started to consolidate the anti Trump vote. But it was always a long shot since Ron's campaign tanked.
Iowa is used as the Republicans first state as its a political backwater. Its very white and rural. The kind of place that favours the least progressive politics.

So he won 50% of the vote from registered Republicans who bothered to show up in this small backwater. That is hardly surprising. It's designed this way to give old school conservatives and early win and lead. It's not a surprising outcome. The only disappointment is that Hayley and Rod DeSantis are tied. Trump's only threat would have been if one of these made a clear win and started to consolidate the anti Trump vote. But it was always a long shot since Ron's campaign tanked.
It's mainly the significance placed on this result by political hacks who use it as a benchmark to gauge a candidates momentum. In isolation, the result means absolutely nothing.
I think a lot hangs on his various legal cases. According to a CNN poll 30% of caucus voters said that Trump would be unfit for the presidency if convicted. So let's see if his judicial allies can delay things long enough for him.
It's mainly the significance placed on this result by political hacks who use it as a benchmark to gauge a candidates momentum. In isolation, the result means absolutely nothing.
This. Nothing has changed. Hopefully sensible people across the country become staggered that 90% of those who voted for him there believe that he won the last election, and this shaking of heads motivates people to realise that he is a fucking nutcase
This. Nothing has changed. Hopefully sensible people across the country become staggered that 90% of those who voted for him there believe that he won the last election, and this shaking of heads motivates people to realise that he is a fucking nutcase
I get the vibe that he increasingly sees his way of avoiding jail is through political pressure. His legal defence is getting more and more like a campaign stop. This wont wash in court. There are too many cases. And what plays well to the base is toxic to everyone else, including judge and jury. He either goes to jail - or avoids jail and pisses of the masses doing it.
I get the vibe that he increasingly sees his way of avoiding jail is through political pressure. His legal defence is getting more and more like a campaign stop. This wont wash in court. There are too many cases. And what plays well to the base is toxic to everyone else, including judge and jury. He either goes to jail - or avoids jail and pisses of the masses doing it.
The concern is that some jury members will be part of his toxic base. Think it will be a challenge to get a unanimous verdict - either way.
The concern is that some jury members will be part of his toxic base. Think it will be a challenge to get a unanimous verdict - either way.
True but he has 4 criminal trials. The evidence will be damming in every one. He has practically admitted to every one and insiders have flipped on every one. If Americans see these trials and see him getting off then that doesn't play well. Especially Jan 6th and he has 2x cases that relate to those events and the broader attempted election fraud.

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