Donald Trump

It's jawdropping the ridiculous and desperate spin MAGAs are putting on this on social media. Take your pick from:

1) He was being sarcastic.
2) It was deliberate because Haley and Pelosi are identical.
3) He played a blinder by forcing the mainstream media, in pointing out his bullshit, to admit that the events of Jan 6th were down to Pelosi.
It's jawdropping the ridiculous and desperate spin MAGAs are putting on this on social media. Take your pick from:

1) He was being sarcastic.
2) It was deliberate because Haley and Pelosi are identical.
3) He played a blinder by forcing the mainstream media, in pointing out his bullshit, to admit that the events of Jan 6th were down to Pelosi.
Just point to your temple and swish your finger in a circular motion.
Is he supporting a supporter of Putin?
He himself is also a Putin supporter. He certainly believes Putin over his own National Defence apparatus, and was not afraid to announce it to the world and Putin on TV.

Sadly, when he said he could walk out on 5th Avenue, shoot somebody, and still be elected President, it wasn’t blagging, it was confidence in his ability to have the Cult follow him over the edge and into the abyss.

The man creates the truth for tens of millions of the Cult, and only he can inform them of what us and is not true. When contradicted, it is either the Lame Stream Media, the Swamp, or the Deep State trying to obfuscate the “alternative” truth, unless it’s obviously not true, in which case he has merely dangled bait fir them and they’ve gobbled it up like fools…because he was obviously joking or making fun of them, or some other manufactured excuse du jour for his nonsense.

The Cult, as cult-ivated by Trump, is primed to accept his gaslighting, because he says it, it happens, so HIS REASONS FOR IT HAPPENING must also be true, because “he called it!”

Sprinkle an iota of bullshit into the tastiest chocolate on earth, eat it, and you’re still swallowing bullshit…even though it tastes like chocolate!

THAT is what he is selling to the Cult, in plain sight to most normal people…


…and the Cult loves it!

Ask any of the Cult if there is ANYTHING…LITERALLY, ANYTHING…Trump could do to lose their vote and they’ll gladly tell you… NOTHING! NOT A DAMNED THING!!!

And, the grainy, fuzzy, black and white images of the rallies of the late 1930s start to come into focus in 4K OLED Full Color Surround Sound.

All that currently stands between today and that reality in 12 months is an 81 year old man that no-one is sure will be alive in 12 months, and whose own Party, which he has faithfully served for the last half century, isn’t sure wants him, because he doesn’t give them every thing they want exactly when they want it!

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