Donald Trump

Without getting too deep ;-)

1) Personally, I despise him and most of his family. They are crooks, fraudsters and grifters who represent the worst of what America can be. The epitome of the Ugly American.

2) You're either full on Trump or you despise him. No middle ground at this point.

3) This Election Day is going to be VERY tense. There will be many, many polling places that will be very very intimidating, because there will be openly armed civilians milling around looking for “trouble.” I would not be surprised if there was a mass killing somewhere.

4) As always, it will come down to so called swing states that are a virtual toss up and rely on turnout. In a country of 330,000,000 people, the Presidential Election can come down to 10,000 votes or less in a handful of states! Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Georgia…

5) Personally, I don’t think he has nearly the support he did first time, because I think many centrist Republicans voted to take a look and didn’t like what they saw. Today, there are some issues clouding the debate. Abortion has been a nightmare for Republicans because they’ve got their wishes and then they’ve lost every race since then on the issue. Women vote!!! Immigration & Gaza have been similar sticks with which to beat Democrats, as “Uncommitted” showed in Arab dense Dearborn, Michigan and elsewhere in the state.

6) I would vote for an AI-generated bot before I’d vote for Trump. Others feel very differently and wonder how anyone could vote for Biden when “virile 77 yr old Trump will kick the worlds ass and MAGA?!” What can you say to THAT person?

7) If Trump is elected, NATO is done and it’ll have to live without America, and Ukraine will become a Russian annex again! And, if you think Biden’s weak on Israel, just wait until Trump starts sucking Bebe’s knob! I expect global bases will close and the U.S. will become insular and nationalistic. Tariffs will be imposed again and prices will rise again, but Trump will lower taxes to “put more money in peoples pockets” and dismantle large swaths of government to help fund it. The people who LIVE off govt assistance are his base, but he doesn’t have to run again and the people with the REAL money love not paying their share of taxes! The Southern border will close and the use of political asylum will effectively be shutdown.

8) Trump is dumb. As in, he knows a little about what he knows, but he is aggressively unworldly and thinks he knows better than anyone else about anything under discussion. And, he’s happy to say it out loud, because he thinks as President he can say and do anything he wants! Literally!

9) So, will he win? Too early to tell! Normally, we are in the middle of Nominating Season right now, but that’s essentially over already! Biden hasn’t started running yet and Trump’s funds appear to be in much worse shape this time around than in previous campaigns. Messaging is going to be brutal, because there’s almost no middle ground here, even though that’s where the key votes are.

Biden - too old & decrepit, and has presided over inflation and prices bring too high…even though there’s not a damned thing he could personally go about that as the Federal Reserve is independent and controls interest rates do one party doesn’t bankrupt the country for political reasons!

Trump - almost as old & lost more than a step in his verbal and cognitive abilities, too! What he lacks in substance he tries to compensate for in bluster and blagging. He was the President that saw inflation rear its ugly head, but wasn’t around to have to fix it! He’s great at what Republicans are great at (and Labour, too, in England!) pointing out problems they think need fixing but having no clue how to fix them!

10) No, I don’t think he will get in again, but I’m not sure Biden will be his opponent in November, either! Fingers crossed on both!
Cheers for that, certainly worrying times ahead.
Without getting too deep ;-)

1) Personally, I despise him and most of his family. They are crooks, fraudsters and grifters who represent the worst of what America can be. The epitome of the Ugly American.

2) You're either full on Trump or you despise him. No middle ground at this point.

3) This Election Day is going to be VERY tense. There will be many, many polling places that will be very very intimidating, because there will be openly armed civilians milling around looking for “trouble.” I would not be surprised if there was a mass killing somewhere.

4) As always, it will come down to so called swing states that are a virtual toss up and rely on turnout. In a country of 330,000,000 people, the Presidential Election can come down to 10,000 votes or less in a handful of states! Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Georgia…

5) Personally, I don’t think he has nearly the support he did first time, because I think many centrist Republicans voted to take a look and didn’t like what they saw. Today, there are some issues clouding the debate. Abortion has been a nightmare for Republicans because they’ve got their wishes and then they’ve lost every race since then on the issue. Women vote!!! Immigration & Gaza have been similar sticks with which to beat Democrats, as “Uncommitted” showed in Arab dense Dearborn, Michigan and elsewhere in the state.

6) I would vote for an AI-generated bot before I’d vote for Trump. Others feel very differently and wonder how anyone could vote for Biden when “virile 77 yr old Trump will kick the worlds ass and MAGA?!” What can you say to THAT person?

7) If Trump is elected, NATO is done and it’ll have to live without America, and Ukraine will become a Russian annex again! And, if you think Biden’s weak on Israel, just wait until Trump starts sucking Bebe’s knob! I expect global bases will close and the U.S. will become insular and nationalistic. Tariffs will be imposed again and prices will rise again, but Trump will lower taxes to “put more money in peoples pockets” and dismantle large swaths of government to help fund it. The people who LIVE off govt assistance are his base, but he doesn’t have to run again and the people with the REAL money love not paying their share of taxes! The Southern border will close and the use of political asylum will effectively be shutdown.

8) Trump is dumb. As in, he knows a little about what he knows, but he is aggressively unworldly and thinks he knows better than anyone else about anything under discussion. And, he’s happy to say it out loud, because he thinks as President he can say and do anything he wants! Literally!

9) So, will he win? Too early to tell! Normally, we are in the middle of Nominating Season right now, but that’s essentially over already! Biden hasn’t started running yet and Trump’s funds appear to be in much worse shape this time around than in previous campaigns. Messaging is going to be brutal, because there’s almost no middle ground here, even though that’s where the key votes are.

Biden - too old & decrepit, and has presided over inflation and prices bring too high…even though there’s not a damned thing he could personally go about that as the Federal Reserve is independent and controls interest rates do one party doesn’t bankrupt the country for political reasons!

Trump - almost as old & lost more than a step in his verbal and cognitive abilities, too! What he lacks in substance he tries to compensate for in bluster and blagging. He was the President that saw inflation rear its ugly head, but wasn’t around to have to fix it! He’s great at what Republicans are great at (and Labour, too, in England!) pointing out problems they think need fixing but having no clue how to fix them!

10) No, I don’t think he will get in again, but I’m not sure Biden will be his opponent in November, either! Fingers crossed on both!
Good summary.
I can’t see from where Trump gets more votes than last time.
Reproductive rights will be big if the Dems know what they are doing. The grey old white men are totally ignorant. Tommy Tuberville thinks the Alabama ruling is good for enlarging families!
As with all US Presidential elections, it will be won in a few states by a small margin.
Lower down the ballot, the Republicans will be destroyed.
Good summary.
I can’t see from where Trump gets more votes than last time.
Reproductive rights will be big if the Dems know what they are doing. The grey old white men are totally ignorant. Tommy Tuberville thinks the Alabama ruling is good for enlarging families!
As with all US Presidential elections, it will be won in a few states by a small margin.
Lower down the ballot, the Republicans will be destroyed.
That last point needs driving home.

A Democratic House & Senate would go a looong way towards fencing in Trump, but a Democratic Senate & House AND President would be like warm sunshine on my face!!!
Without getting too deep ;-)

1) Personally, I despise him and most of his family. They are crooks, fraudsters and grifters who represent the worst of what America can be. The epitome of the Ugly American.

2) You're either full on Trump or you despise him. No middle ground at this point.

3) This Election Day is going to be VERY tense. There will be many, many polling places that will be very very intimidating, because there will be openly armed civilians milling around looking for “trouble.” I would not be surprised if there was a mass killing somewhere.

4) As always, it will come down to so called swing states that are a virtual toss up and rely on turnout. In a country of 330,000,000 people, the Presidential Election can come down to 10,000 votes or less in a handful of states! Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Georgia…

5) Personally, I don’t think he has nearly the support he did first time, because I think many centrist Republicans voted to take a look and didn’t like what they saw. Today, there are some issues clouding the debate. Abortion has been a nightmare for Republicans because they’ve got their wishes and then they’ve lost every race since then on the issue. Women vote!!! Immigration & Gaza have been similar sticks with which to beat Democrats, as “Uncommitted” showed in Arab dense Dearborn, Michigan and elsewhere in the state.

6) I would vote for an AI-generated bot before I’d vote for Trump. Others feel very differently and wonder how anyone could vote for Biden when “virile 77 yr old Trump will kick the worlds ass and MAGA?!” What can you say to THAT person?

7) If Trump is elected, NATO is done and it’ll have to live without America, and Ukraine will become a Russian annex again! And, if you think Biden’s weak on Israel, just wait until Trump starts sucking Bebe’s knob! I expect global bases will close and the U.S. will become insular and nationalistic. Tariffs will be imposed again and prices will rise again, but Trump will lower taxes to “put more money in peoples pockets” and dismantle large swaths of government to help fund it. The people who LIVE off govt assistance are his base, but he doesn’t have to run again and the people with the REAL money love not paying their share of taxes! The Southern border will close and the use of political asylum will effectively be shutdown.

8) Trump is dumb. As in, he knows a little about what he knows, but he is aggressively unworldly and thinks he knows better than anyone else about anything under discussion. And, he’s happy to say it out loud, because he thinks as President he can say and do anything he wants! Literally!

9) So, will he win? Too early to tell! Normally, we are in the middle of Nominating Season right now, but that’s essentially over already! Biden hasn’t started running yet and Trump’s funds appear to be in much worse shape this time around than in previous campaigns. Messaging is going to be brutal, because there’s almost no middle ground here, even though that’s where the key votes are.

Biden - too old & decrepit, and has presided over inflation and prices bring too high…even though there’s not a damned thing he could personally go about that as the Federal Reserve is independent and controls interest rates do one party doesn’t bankrupt the country for political reasons!

Trump - almost as old & lost more than a step in his verbal and cognitive abilities, too! What he lacks in substance he tries to compensate for in bluster and blagging. He was the President that saw inflation rear its ugly head, but wasn’t around to have to fix it! He’s great at what Republicans are great at (and Labour, too, in England!) pointing out problems they think need fixing but having no clue how to fix them!

10) No, I don’t think he will get in again, but I’m not sure Biden will be his opponent in November, either! Fingers crossed on both!
I agree on a lot of that apart from the 'Biden - too old and decrepit..'. He isn't. You are right to a degree about him presiding over higher prices, but that is NOTHING to do with his policies. It's purely free market economics and corporate greed. That isn't going to get better anytime soon whoever is in the White House.

It will be Biden v Trump - A simple choice between the end of democracy or not. If it was going to be another candidate, that should have been decided AT LEAST a year ago. The fact that none of the other potential candidates haven't been raising any money towards a potential run tells you all you need to know on that front. Anyone who sticks their head above the parapet at this stage is nothing but a spoiler candidate.
I agree on a lot of that apart from the 'Biden - too old and decrepit..'. He isn't. You are right to a degree about him presiding over higher prices, but that is NOTHING to do with his policies. It's purely free market economics and corporate greed. That isn't going to get better anytime soon whoever is in the White House.

It will be Biden v Trump - A simple choice between the end of democracy or not. If it was going to be another candidate, that should have been decided AT LEAST a year ago. The fact that none of the other potential candidates haven't been raising any money towards a potential run tells you all you need to know on that front. Anyone who sticks their head above the parapet at this stage is nothing but a spoiler candidate.
You have me wrong.

Firstly, I was talking about narratives with the Biden comment. Old & decrepit is the narrative from the right.

Secondly, I’m not suggesting a challenger for Biden, but a required replacement. We are a long way from November 5 and there’s a lot that can happen.
You have me wrong.

Firstly, I was talking about narratives with the Biden comment. Old & decrepit is the narrative from the right.

Secondly, I’m not suggesting a challenger for Biden, but a required replacement. We are a long way from November 5 and there’s a lot that can happen.
The left-wing media still seem to hedging their bets with Biden also.
Good summary.

I'd add that there is a chance that Cannon could get kicked off the Florida case. She's made some deliberate errors to push the delay and there is a mechanism to get her kicked. It's a one shot and the theory is that the prosecution are waiting for the optimum time to push that button. The immunity argument should not apply as that covers the time after he left office.

On the DC case the SCOTUS delay can only go so far. If Florida doesn't start this one will. It would put the trial right over the election period and even opens up the possibility that he could be in court in November on election day, he could win the election, then be convicted and jailed before he is sworn in in January.

Yes - true, and I don’t think he’ll win the election (especially not if he spends his campaign season in a court room) but on the off-chance he did then for me it’s most important that the Georgia case gets concluded before January. That’s the one where he definitely can’t pardon himself.

It’s not outside the realms of possibility that if he loses the election he does something mental like flee to Russia or jump off the Trump Tower. It really is his last roll of the dice and the walls are closing in quickly.
I reckon one of those might have a name that rhymes with Speelon Dusk.
Wouldn't surprise me. And he'd do a live twitter show handing over the cash.

He's allegedly paying Gina Carano's legal bill. Rumour is if she wins he's going to buy Disney as their price will plummet.

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