Donald Trump

You mean to tell me… Trump and co… [hush tones] lied!?

I think this one may come under the header of lies by omission.

I believe this Schwab account probably does exist, because no doubt Knight would have wanted to see the collateral before making the agreement (unless they were suicidal enough to think a liability of that size wouldn't completely rock their business, which has capital reserves smaller than the size of the bond).

It is speculative and I don't think any good affirmative evidence exists, but to me the signs point to the $175m actually being owned by somebody else who is acting as an implicit guarantor. For whatever reason, they have done it on the proviso their name isn't on the record (Musk is an obvious candidate as the two met relatively recently). Because Trump is under a monitor, this makes the whole thing very cloak and daggers which has basically led to this situation where Trump has gone to Knight and said "look here, my guy is good for the money" and they are the only ones stupid enough to get involved.

There's been multiple national security advisors coming out to say Trump is at huge risk of being bought by mendacious actors, I think we might be seeing a window into what that looks like in practice. The question is whether the NY legal system is robust enough to demand the transparency needed.
Also - thought it was worth saying. Judge Merchan made a great point during the opening of the trial yesterday. This has widely been known as the Hush Money trial, which seems like an accurate indication of the contents. Merchan made it clear that what Trump stands accused of is misappropriating campaign funds for the purposes of election interference. That's what this is at heart, fraudulent activity undertaken with the intention to influence the outcome of a democratic election.

That's what it comes down to. This is hush money yes, but hush money with the objective of achieving something much more sinister, and the media should be cognisant of that in their reporting.
I think this one may come under the header of lies by omission.

I believe this Schwab account probably does exist, because no doubt Knight would have wanted to see the collateral before making the agreement (unless they were suicidal enough to think a liability of that size wouldn't completely rock their business, which has capital reserves smaller than the size of the bond).

It is speculative and I don't think any good affirmative evidence exists, but to me the signs point to the $175m actually being owned by somebody else who is acting as an implicit guarantor. For whatever reason, they have done it on the proviso their name isn't on the record (Musk is an obvious candidate as the two met relatively recently). Because Trump is under a monitor, this makes the whole thing very cloak and daggers which has basically led to this situation where Trump has gone to Knight and said "look here, my guy is good for the money" and they are the only ones stupid enough to get involved.

There's been multiple national security advisors coming out to say Trump is at huge risk of being bought by mendacious actors, I think we might be seeing a window into what that looks like in practice. The question is whether the NY legal system is robust enough to demand the transparency needed.
This was a possible scenario I outlined when the news he “secured” a bond first broke.

I have no doubt there is a guarantor in absentia behind Knight’s involvement but I actually think the likelihood they signed on without undertaking due diligence is quite high given the haste of the situation and their owners’ comments regarding how they became involved.

You may very well be right that Musk offered to front the money and then Trump’s camp used Musk’s name as a gate key for Knight to affectively underwrite the surety agreement.

The issue is that up until recently the Trump business team, which has been behind most of his dealings for decades, have not had to worry about actually providing verifiable documentation and accounts to support most anything they did. The recent trials regarding Trump’s tax filings, loan applications, property assessments, company and campaign finances, and other fraudulent financial actions is a testament to that.

Now they are in uncharted territory where they cannot simply fabricate supporting information with no scrutiny or accountability (either at all or until long after they have received any advantages or benefits).

It will be interesting to see who gets dragged in to the light as all of his criminal proceedings advance, as the level of scrutiny is on another level to the civil proceedings.
I can't get my head round everyone turns a blind eye to the ****.
Nor me, I find it staggering. They must be simple over there. I hold the place in high regard that he was comprehensively twatted in the last election there, and he was. He wont win next time either. But the fact he is even prominent is frankly embarrassing

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