Donald Trump

No chance he gets found guilty or prison time , he has supporters everywhere in new york and i am sure on the jury as well
I wouldn’t say “no chance,” but there’s only a slim chance we don’t get a hung jury. The country is SO polarized, it would be hard to find a jury of 12 that isn’t firmly in the “Love” or “Hate” camp, even in NYC.

Of the jurors, there are at least a few who are in traditionally Republican voting careers and a few who would traditionally be seen as Democratic voters.

With about 200 exhibits and a detailed transcript to review, we will probably not see a decision on so many charges until next week. However, it feels like the longer it goes, the more people will begin to feel like the Jury is struggling to come to a unanimous verdict.

Unlike the UK, we don’t have a 9 of 12 threshold, which I think would be a welcome addition to American jurisprudence. Maybe 10 of 12, rather than 9, might be better, but it feels like securing 12 of 12 in this case might be a bridge too far.

In some ways, it feels like the fact that he was already a President, and is currently running for President again, further increases the “Guilty” threshold…and the Orange Shitgibbon has played in this the entire time.

Of course, he’s guilty as sin, but will not go to prison, so I think that would only hurt him at the margins…but this election, like most, will be won or lost at the margins in the 5-6 toss-up states!

I dream that they’ll both be forced out of the race somehow, but then I wake up to the nightmarish reality of 2024!
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It's impossible to say. I don't think they sit on Wednesdays and there are the judges instructions to go through. Could be sometime tomorrow could drag into next week.

Note most commentators are saying this looks clear cut but as we know just 1 trumper on the jury could kill this.
Earliest being reported is Friday afternoon, as part of the Friday “Get Homeitis” that is common in jury cases. However, many people think there’s so much evidence to go over, and the real possibility that all jurors are not on the same page at the conclusion of the trial, that it’ll probably stretch into next week.

The concern with that is that the weekend gives jurors the opportunity to harden their individual stances and create an insurmountable hung jury. If that’s the case, most experts have said he would probably NOT be recharged.
Earliest being reported is Friday afternoon, as part of the Friday “Get Homeitis” that is common in jury cases. However, many people think there’s so much evidence to go over, and the real possibility that all jurors are not on the same page at the conclusion of the trial, that it’ll probably stretch into next week.

The concern with that is that the weekend gives jurors the opportunity to harden their individual stances and create an insurmountable hung jury. If that’s the case, most experts have said he would probably NOT be recharged.
It's moving faster than I thought it would.

There is a lot of evidence but they don't have to dig through it all. If it does start dragging on then that's good for Trump.
It's moving faster than I thought it would.

There is a lot of evidence but they don't have to dig through it all. If it does start dragging on then that's good for Trump.
As you’ll have noticed today, even a simple question requires both the defence and prosecution to be brought back in, discuss the answer to the question, agree on an answer the jury can take back with them, and then they can go back to their deliberations.

Believe me, I wish they’d have gone into the Jury Room, had a quick canvass and seen 12 hands go up when the “Guilty?” question was asked, but it’s hard to know where they are.

The fact that the Pecker testimony was the question is good for the prosecution, because I think it’s damning and corroborating testimony.

Here’s hoping they can deliver by Friday COB and we can enjoy the weekend meltdown!
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I find it interesting that a large numbers of posters here have so little faith in humans (or maybe just Americans) that they don't think that, even after a rigo(u)rous vetting process, there are 12 people left who can put politics aside, do their duty, and simply vote on the facts of the fucking case like literally hundreds of juries do every day in the US. Despite hung juries being uncommon (less than 10% of cases by most all accounts nationally), somehow that's the odds-on expectation here.

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