Donald Trump

It needs a unanimous verdict from the jury. Very small chance of that happening, there will always be one person who'll believe him no matter what, or one person that'll want to convict him no matter what.

I guarantee it'll be a mistrial.

I think the odds of that are lower than you might think. Manhattan where the jury is drawn from voted 87% Democrat. Of the other 13%, not all voted Republican.

The ones that did vote Republican aren’t necessarily rabid MAGAs but may be made up of more traditional conservatives.

So then you’re left with a pretty small possible pool of MAGA loyalists, maybe in the region of 5% tops. Now from that pool, for one of them to get on the jury they can’t have posted anything on social media, or been seen in the public domain actively supporting Trump. Because they would have been struck without cause during the background check process.

So the question is, how many Trump cult members are there in that <5% pool that are smart enough to not say it out loud at every opportunity? Then from that even smaller pool, they have to get put on the jury by effectively random chance. And then if that weren’t enough, they have to stand up to the institutional pressure of being a lone voice in a room of people telling you you’re wrong. Not everybody has the stomach for that, and MAGAs are notoriously thin skinned.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s impossible. I just think the odds are really stacked against it happening. Hung juries happen about 5-10% of the time and I don’t think the chances here are that different.
It needs a unanimous verdict from the jury. Very small chance of that happening, there will always be one person who'll believe him no matter what, or one person that'll want to convict him no matter what.

I guarantee it'll be a mistrial.
Why the high chance of a juror holding out? Much rarer than you suppose. Unless there is a plant, the jury appear to be united in their respect for the prosecutor and the judge and not well disposed to Trump and his team. No mistrial “guaranteed.” Have you put money on it?

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