Donald Trump

He's going to control the party after he's dead, either because of an idiot child or someone who assumes his mantle and calls him/herself the reincarnation of him. The GOP is now a cult of personality. Those don't die easy.
Can’t see it. There will be a dozen people fighting to assume the Trump mantle, each with their own support. They will tear themselves apart.
He's going to control the party after he's dead, either because of an idiot child or someone who assumes his mantle and calls him/herself the reincarnation of him. The GOP is now a cult of personality. Those don't die easy.
Most cults don't do succession planning very well.

It's all or nothing for Trump this November. He's too old now but it's not just age catching up with him. His legal issues can only delay for so long.

If he doesn't win in November he will be locked up within 4 years. He knows that. And it's not just him, lots of gop operatives will go down with him.

It's big stakes as there is no good future for the gop if they can't get Trump in power.
They aren't technically 'political' appointments, other than the the fact that they are appointed by one party or the other, and that the judge themselves may have or have been a member of a particular party. They are supposed to follow the law, irrespective of political opinion.
It does seem to be a very fine line being drawn.It makes it easy to claim bias by the many conspiracy theorists, as is happening.
Court cases are a bit of a lottery with even the best of judicial systems,but to add a further layer of uncertainty seems to be encouraging disputes.
Must be maddening seeing how the populace has changed so much for the worse. Was it more of a case of latency where people held these views but would not express them? I suspect this has been the case in the UK, with many emboldened by the mainstreaming of the likes of UKIP and the Brexit debate.

I agree, I think we need to bring back shaming people. A good old shaming. Whatever happened to that? It used to be a very effective social tool.

I’m only being partly facetious. Unqualified people are emboldened to speak as experts, people feel they can express ideas which are just ridiculous, they can support the positions of morons like flat earthers, do stupid things for their social media audiences. All with zero sense of shame.

If you want to look at the extreme antipode society where this is concerned, look at Japan. That is probably too far in the other direction but it is a society built on the ideas of honour and shame.

I think freedoms as far as government are concerned are essential (freedom of speech) but it then falls to society and the community to promote behaviours that align with and promote the common good. We’ve really badly failed at that in the UK and US if you ask me where rugged individualism manifests as people damaging society simply because they feel it’s their right.

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