Donald Trump

It’s not so much that certain posters here support him IMO. It’s that they are so wed to their historic ideology that they can’t bring themselves to criticiz(s)e him without also trying to “parallel” those critiques with those of Biden, Democrats, liberals, “culture-cancellers”, trans activists, etc. etc. They can’t deal simply with supporting Biden to keep a dangerous lunatic out of office because, like it or not, that’s the choice we have.
And apparently you’re the greatest democracy in the world!
The guy I know who owns a vacation home in Sandpoint -- reputed to be a far right neo-Nazi training haven (I think the Aryan Brotherhood was/is based there) -- is a very religious and culture-steeped Jew.

Like with the reported demise of San Francisco, in a world where we consume the most shocking sound bytes and have no time to do anything other than reach conclusions on snap judgments, the diversity of populations and behavio(u)rs nearly everywhere are dramatically understated.

Sure, there are a few parts of San Francisco to avoid, like the Tenderloin. But they're the places I've always avoided. There are far more parts of the city I would have avoided 30 and 40 years ago that are now wonderful to visit because they've undergone dramatic redevelopment, including a big section south of Market Street, the Mission district and many others.

Things change, and things aren't always what they seem.

That said, I'm on a plane returning home from Fort Lauderdale for work, and nothing has changed my long-held view that a large portion of southeast Florida is a shithole, and that the drivers and traffic there are absolutely crazy :)
I always imagine those parts of Florida to be a bit like Rhyl.

Rhyl is a low rent seaside town in North Wales. About an hours drive from Liverpool. Being so close to Liverpool it is overrun with scousers, initially tourists but over the years its become a retirement hotspot and its full of cheap trailor parks and tiny single story houses that you buy as cheap as anything in the UK. It's the ideal place to go if you have very little but are too old to work and you want to get away from Liverpool.
Genuine question for people with their fingers more on the pulse than me. What's the justification for Trump declaring this was a rigged trial? So far I have heard
1) Trump is entitled to a jury of his peers so holding the trial where they did was rigged as the district is predominantly democrat. Where were they suggesting the trial to be held?
2) the judge was conflicted and shouldn't have been involved in the case. Is this to do with his daughter's affiliations or am I confusing two different judges?
3) there was no crime committed. Is the reasoning here that it's not illegal to pay hush money to porn stars so no crime was committed? I thought the conviction was to do with how they covered up the payments and something to do with using money donated for political campaigning?

Help me understand and don't use a "these guys are just stupid" reason
Genuine question for people with their fingers more on the pulse than me. What's the justification for Trump declaring this was a rigged trial? So far I have heard
1) Trump is entitled to a jury of his peers so holding the trial where they did was rigged as the district is predominantly democrat. Where were they suggesting the trial to be held?
2) the judge was conflicted and shouldn't have been involved in the case. Is this to do with his daughter's affiliations or am I confusing two different judges?
3) there was no crime committed. Is the reasoning here that it's not illegal to pay hush money to porn stars so no crime was committed? I thought the conviction was to do with how they covered up the payments and something to do with using money donated for political campaigning?

Help me understand and don't use a "these guys are just stupid" reason
The main reason is the outcome didn’t go his way and he lost, I think.
Genuine question for people with their fingers more on the pulse than me. What's the justification for Trump declaring this was a rigged trial? So far I have heard
1) Trump is entitled to a jury of his peers so holding the trial where they did was rigged as the district is predominantly democrat. Where were they suggesting the trial to be held?
2) the judge was conflicted and shouldn't have been involved in the case. Is this to do with his daughter's affiliations or am I confusing two different judges?
3) there was no crime committed. Is the reasoning here that it's not illegal to pay hush money to porn stars so no crime was committed? I thought the conviction was to do with how they covered up the payments and something to do with using money donated for political campaigning?

Help me understand and don't use a "these guys are just stupid" reason
You have got the main gripes covered but if you're looking for sound logical reasoning that might stand up in court then there is none.

He has already made these arguments in court, lost, appealed and lost again.

The claim there is 'no crime' is the stupidest. The charges are in writing and where explained very clearly to a jury who then found him guilty.
Genuine question for people with their fingers more on the pulse than me. What's the justification for Trump declaring this was a rigged trial? So far I have heard
1) Trump is entitled to a jury of his peers so holding the trial where they did was rigged as the district is predominantly democrat. Where were they suggesting the trial to be held?
2) the judge was conflicted and shouldn't have been involved in the case. Is this to do with his daughter's affiliations or am I confusing two different judges?
3) there was no crime committed. Is the reasoning here that it's not illegal to pay hush money to porn stars so no crime was committed? I thought the conviction was to do with how they covered up the payments and something to do with using money donated for political campaigning?

Help me understand and don't use a "these guys are just stupid" reason

Because he's a liar and a fraud would be the answer, American politics has a history of claiming foul. Hillary complained that Trump stole the presidency when she lost.

It doesn't excuse Trump for being an arsehole though.

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