Donald Trump

Not just Americans. All nations need to remember this.

That's one of the small bits of hope I have for the UK. That regardless of how flip-floppy and uninspiring Starmer might be, there are some genuinely decent and capable MPs in the Labour Party. The problem with the Tories isn't primarily Sunak, it's the 300 or so dolts that sit on the benches with him. They are bereft of competence.

With Biden what matters more is that they put good people in the House and in the Senate so that government can be functional and effective - whether that's Dems or more moderate GOP candidates (many of which have been winning primaries). The current House GOP have demonstrated numerous times they are incapable of governing effectively because they can't even agree on a consistent platform and are more concerned with PR than facilitating change.

There is the fall-back that people in the US recognise this, and even if Trump wins, he is left with a Dem House and Senate. The down the ballot picture is often different to the headline.
Coming to a Mount Rushmore near you - and yes, he has put forward the idea!!View attachment 123678

Some select quotes from the great Presidents of Mt. Rushmore:

"A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important?"

Jefferson: "Our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions any more than our opinions in physics or geometry."

Roosevelt: "No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it."

Lincoln: "Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say for one that I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men."

Trump: "All they know is electric. They want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn't shining while you're up in the air? They want electric boats. The problem is the boats don't float because the battery is so heavy it sinks the boat."
Thank fuck that debate was not end of September.

Lots of Trump fuckkery between now and November to come.
What Trump did to Biden on Thursday night is a rhetorical device that has a formal name, though I suspect he comes by it naturally. It's called the "Gish Gallop", first used I believe in the 1990s. It involves throwing out a rapid stream of lies, non-sequiturs and specious arguments that become hard to rebut or fact-check because of the volume of the nonsense being churned out and because each item is unrelated to the others. It's intended to throw the recipient off balance and make them look confused. It's said to be particularly effective on someone with a stutter. Trump previously tried it on Biden in debate in 2020 but on that occasion each candidate had their mics turned on while the other was speaking and Biden was able to say "will you just shut up, man?", which I remember resonated well with the audience. On Thursday the fact that Biden's mic was muted when Trump was carrying on actually worked to Trump's advantage as it allowed him to spew the whole mess out uninterrupted.

(I know the answer to this fucker's fuckery, but sadly it wouldn't get Biden re-elected.)
Actually started a thread on this very topic eight years ago:

And the situation has unquestionably got far worse since. Not saying it will definitely happen, but I think it’s likely and becoming increasingly so.

If trump gets in the west will break apart not just the States

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