Donald Trump

It's a very straightforward question. But we never get any answers on here about it. It's just criticism of Trump for asking it.
NATO countries are contributing their fair share (and have been since before he took office), as already shown throughout the thread, with reputable fact check articles, you and others just keep rejecting them in favour of nonsense spouted by Trump!
Joe Biden tried to call the widow of the firefighter killed at the rally. She wouldn't take the call because her husband was a republican.
Trump never even tried to call her
Nuff said
Let see how many times he's mentioned in his Nuremberg rally speech on Thursday. I'd argue Both Boden and Harris will have said, and done more.
Day 1 of Trumps new presidency.
Letter from UK.
Here is the invoice for your occupation of British territory both here and elsewhere such as the Indian Ocean. We understand that you have never paid rent, rates, Road charges, or parking fees in the UK. Nor do you pay for NHS treatment. Non payment will result in us being very cross.
PS You do not have any standing in setting and policing of other countries’ defence spending. What they spend has nothing to do with you or NATO.
Can you tell the difference or are you just stupid? Don’t answer that.
BTW, I hope you are aware that British forces are currently stationed in Bosnia and all three Baltic countries. If your friend Vlad attacks them, we will invoke Article 5. Ask your Secretary of State what that is, if you are not sure.
David Lammy UK Foreign Secretary.
P.S. I am black, sorry.
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Let me give you the benefit of the doubt here:

I said: this:

"That's an analogy to simplify. It's not that complicated. Stop pretending it is. Spend 2% of GDP on defense. That's the mandate NATO came up with."

To which you replied "UK does!"

Did you think my post was personally directed at you and by extension assumed your country of origin and believed your country of origin wasn't spending 2%?
Hence why you responded '"Which the UK does!"?

I am genuinely confused. It was a general statement about what NATO required. Hence why I'm confused why you are telling me one country that meets it. Since I didn't suggest any specific country didn't.
I'm going to leave you to your confusion, it seems it's beyond cure.
Just to note that you've still failed to my previous question asking you to you confirm that you share Trump's philosophy on child rape, so I'm left to assume that you do.
It's a very straightforward question. But we never get any answers on here about it. It's just criticism of Trump for asking it.

I feel like I’m going crazy. I’m reading along and it’s been answered about twenty times.

- There is no legal obligation.
- This is not the same as a debt or bill, all NATO organisational costs are covered by members.
- This is an informal agreed target to increase defence spending to 2% of GDP over time.
- There is no covenant in the NATO agreement that says the alliance is impacted by how much a country is willing/able to spend on defence. If there were, many countries would never have joined in the first place. It’s not part of the agreement so introducing this concept now is contrary to the established relationship.
- Even if it were a legal obligation (which again it is not), most countries are now spending 2% anyway, so what the fuck is exactly the problem?

Let’s say you joined a private club and they were like “Oh you can join, it’s £100 a week, we all help eachother here… but one thing is we ask people to try and wear an Armani suit to dinner. But it’s not an obligation.” And you were like “Well I can’t afford an Armani suit right now but I’ll still join if that’s okay?” And they go “Yeah that’s fine.” Then five years later they suddenly go “Right if you haven’t got your Armani suit for the next meeting we’re going to kick you out and we’re going to ‘encourage’ your boss to fire you by telling him what a sack of shit you are.”

You’d just think they were a ****. Which is non-coincidentally what I think of Trump.

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