Donald Trump

At last a post I agree with.
So do I to be fair. It's politics. They demonize each other. I think the liberals are better at it, but sure. It goes both ways.

But then again, I've been saying that for almost 8 years now.

Happy to see you joining the party finally :)
Melania about to speak.
"My husband ... my husband is a narcissistic racist pig. Goodnight."
They wanna put you back in chains. Regarding voter id laws is definitionally divisive.

Comparing the Republicans in Congress to Bull Connor is divisive.

Calling his opponent and his supporters a threat to democracy (i.e 30% of the voting populace).

Saying if you don't know if you'd vote for me you are not black... Is divisive

He stokes racial division constantly. It's
You’ve gone full MAGA.

Never go full* MAGA.

* really, any amount of
Your belief would prove false. Again, memory hole-ing is real thing. Even on the issue of allegations.

He repeats lies that have been debunked and he has been confronted about. Even after he admits they are lies.

Either he can't differentiate between what's real and what he has made up or lying just come so comfortably that he can't avoid it.

I'm not sure either is flattering.

There is ample evidence of this. Including emails by his son. Testimony from his son's partners.

True. Never argued h wasn't an unscrupulous business man. He was.

I suppose we should believe them seeing as Joe Biden is a paragon or honesty.

Trump did not cover up an affair to influence an election. That's notion is silly on its face.

The mash in conjunction with a series of accusations describing these acts suggest otherwise.

These aren't financial reports open to multiple interpretation. A dairy, owned and acknowledged to be owned by the daughter, containing a claim that she wrote in it can be believed on its face.

And point of correction it wasn't stolen. She misplaced it. Just like her brother's laptop. Which also turned out not to be the "Russian disinformation" so many here guaranteed is it was.

On this I agree. A vote for either doesn't endorse anything other than the policies you believe each would institute.

It wasn't on a few occasions. Biden lies, constantly and consistently. Always has.

Very easily. I'm not voting for the man Trump. I am voting vote the policies his administration is likely to institute. Similarly, om voting against those the people who run Biden's administration will institute.

I wanted neither 4 years ago or now. I'm a Vivek Ramaswamy fan myself. But unfortunately, he didn't win. I'm stuck with 2 poor choices. Bit one is significantly worse for me
Do you think God is on your side?
Ramasmarmy? Another wannabe white biotech grifter
Country is so fucked up
Your belief would prove false. Again, memory hole-ing is real thing. Even on the issue of allegations.

He repeats lies that have been debunked and he has been confronted about. Even after he admits they are lies.

Either he can't differentiate between what's real and what he has made up or lying just come so comfortably that he can't avoid it.

I'm not sure either is flattering.

There is ample evidence of this. Including emails by his son. Testimony from his son's partners.

True. Never argued h wasn't an unscrupulous business man. He was.

I suppose we should believe them seeing as Joe Biden is a paragon or honesty.

Trump did not cover up an affair to influence an election. That's notion is silly on its face.

The mash in conjunction with a series of accusations describing these acts suggest otherwise.

These aren't financial reports open to multiple interpretation. A dairy, owned and acknowledged to be owned by the daughter, containing a claim that she wrote in it can be believed on its face.

And point of correction it wasn't stolen. She misplaced it. Just like her brother's laptop. Which also turned out not to be the "Russian disinformation" so many here guaranteed is it was.

On this I agree. A vote for either doesn't endorse anything other than the policies you believe each would institute.

It wasn't on a few occasions. Biden lies, constantly and consistently. Always has.

Very easily. I'm not voting for the man Trump. I am voting vote the policies his administration is likely to institute. Similarly, om voting against those the people who run Biden's administration will institute.

I wanted neither 4 years ago or now. I'm a Vivek Ramaswamy fan myself. But unfortunately, he didn't win. I'm stuck with 2 poor choices. Bit one is significantly worse for me
People often ask, with equal measure disdain and bewilderment, how the German people ever allowed a person like Hitler to come to power.

Read this, and you might have a better understanding.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Yes. Dax is an exceedingly good example of someone that has been consumed by the cult of personality to the point of abandoning all rationality and fully embracing authoritarianism as the solution to their problems, whilst maintaining a delusion that logic and reasoning guides their beliefs and actions.

He has become more radical in that regard over the years, slowly brainwashed in to merely parroting whataboutisms and dog whistles, until all that is left is conspiratorial nonsense and absolute loyalty to his leader, regardless of whatever evidence against his blind reverence is put forward.

He is, unfortunately, a case study in how tyrants gain popular support and how that support is then exploited to gain terrible power.
Yes. Dax is an exceedingly good example of someone that has been consumed by the cult of personality to the point of abandoning all rationality and fully embracing authoritarianism as the solution to their problems, whilst maintaining a self-delusional of logic and reasoning guiding their beliefs and actions.
Exactly. They are plainly beyond help and have lost the ability to reason. Not sure why people waste their time engaging with them, including you my friend.

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